Scanner Scheduler Resources

File Locations

Platform Installation Location Log File Location
Windows 32-Bit

<ProgramFiles>\Micro Focus\Universal Discovery\10.20\Scanner Scheduler


  • This location can be configured by using the following command: INSTALLDIR=C:\ScannerScheduler
  • The <ProgramFiles> environment variable is normally located at C:\Program Files

<ALLUSERSPROFILE>\Micro Focus\Universal Discovery

Windows 64-Bit

<ProgramFiles(x86)>\Micro Focus\Universal Discovery\10.20\Scanner Scheduler


  • This location can be configured by using the following command: INSTALLDIR=C:\ScannerScheduler
  • The <ProgramFiles(x86)> environment variable is normally located at C:\Program Files(x86)
UNIX /opt/microfocus/ScannerScheduler $HOME/.discagnt directory
Mac /Library/LaunchDaemons/DiscoveryScannerScheduler
AIX /usr/lpp/microfocus/ScannerScheduler

Configuration File Parameters

The config.ini file contains parameters for managing the running schedule of the scanner, the downloading schedule for the scanner, and for downloading a configuration file on a remote server. The parameters are as follows:

Configuration File Parameter Description
Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday Friday| Saturday| Sunday

For each day of the week, enter the range of hours you want your scheduled event to run. If you specify multiple time intervals, use commas to separate each interval. For example: 10:00-12:00,14:00-18:00

Note The 24-hour clock is used.


Indicates how frequently the scheduled event occurs. Assume you want to use a weekly interval for your scheduled event. In this scenario, set the value to 168.

If this parameter is set to 0, scheduling is disabled.

Note This field is mandatory.


Specifies a random delay to the start time for load balancing purposes. Assume that the scanner is scheduled to run at 9:00 and the random delay is 60 minutes. In this scenario, the scanner runs at a random point in time between 9:00 and 10:00.

If this parameter is set to 0, no random delay is used.


Enter a command to run the scanner, to run a program that will download the config.ini file from a remote server, or to download the scanner.

  • The Scan section. Enter a command to run the scanner. If no path is specified, the Scanner Scheduler attempts to start the scanner from the same directory as the Scanner Scheduler executable is located.
  • The DownloadConfig section. Enter a command to run Curl, or any other data transfer tool, to download a remote config.ini file. Additionally, in the <RemoteConfigPath> parameter, enter a URL that specifies the location of the config.ini file that you want to download.


    • After the config.ini file is downloaded, the file is stored as config.tmp and then automatically converted to config.ini.
    • The RemoteConfigPath parameter is mandatory.
  • The DownloadScanner section. In the <RemoteScannerPath> parameter, enter the path to the location where the scanner that you want to download is located.

    Note The scanner file name is scan.tmp after it is downloaded. However, you can change the file name in the ScannerFileName parameter.


In the <LocalScannerPath> parameter, enter the full file path to the local computer where you want to store the scanner file. The scanner file name is changed from scan.tmp to the file name specified in this parameter.

Note This parameter is mandatory.

Windows Specific Resources

File name Description
ScannerScheduler.exe Executable file of the Scanner Scheduler service.
config.ini Configuration file that contains parameters that manages the scanning schedule of the scanner. It also manages, together with a third party program, the download schedule of another config.ini file that is located on a remote server.
curl.exe Executable file of Curl. This third party program can be used to download a new configuration file from a remote server.
libeay32.dll OpenSSL DLL to enable Curl to work over HTTPS.
libssl32.dll OpenSSL DLL to enable Curl to work over HTTPS.
curl-ca-bundle.crt Root CA certificates to enable Curl to work over HTTPS.

UNIX Specific Resources

File Name Description
bin/scansched Executable file of the Scanner Scheduler service.
bin/config.ini Configuration file that contains parameters that manage the scanning schedule of the scanner. The configuration file also manages, together with a third party program, the download schedule of another config.ini file that is located on a remote server.
bin/curl Executable file of Curl. This third party program can be used to download a new configuration file from a remote server.
bin/curl-ca-bundle.crt Root CA certificates to enable Curl to work over HTTPS.
discscannerscheduler Script to manage the scanner scheduler. For more information about available parameters that you can use in this script, see Scanner Scheduler Parameters (UNIX only) .

Scanner Scheduler Parameters (UNIX only)

To manage the Scanner Scheduler for nodes that are running UNIX, enter the following command:

discscannerscheduler <ParameterName>

where <ParameterName> is a placeholder for the parameter name specified as follows.

Note Ensure that you run the command from the installation location.

Parameter Name Description
start Starts the Scanner Scheduler service.
stop Stops the Scanner Scheduler service.
restart Restarts the Scanner Scheduler service.

Indicates running status information of the Scanner Scheduler service.

  • If the Scanner Scheduler is running, the following message is returned: “Universal Discovery Scanner scheduler (pid xxxx) is running.”
  • If the Scanner Scheduler is not running, the following message is returned: “Universal Discovery Scanner scheduler stopped.”