New/Edit Management Zone Dialog Box

This dialog box enables you to create or edit a Management Zone.

To access

Select Data Flow Management > Universal Discovery > Zone-based Discovery tab.

  • To create a Management Zone: Click New Management Zone .
  • To edit an existing Management Zone: Select the Management Zone and click Edit .
Important information You must have at least one Data Flow Probe defined to create a Management Zone.
Relevant tasks
See also

Details Tab

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements Description

The name of the Management Zone. This field is mandatory.

Note Naming conventions:

  • The name can contain the following characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, hyphen (-), underscore (_), and space ( ).
  • The name is not case sensitive; for example, mz1/mZ1/Mz1 are all the same.
  • The name must not start with a digit.
  • The name must be limited to a length of 50 characters.

The description of the Management Zone. This field is optional. This description appears in the Details tab in the right pane after creating the Management Zone.

Note The length of the description is limited to 600 characters.

Ranges Method

Enables you to select a method for defining ranges for the Management Zone.

  • Use full Data Flow Probe ranges. Displays all the Data Flow Probes/probe clusters in the lower pane, enabling you to select Data Flow Probes/probe clusters—with their full ranges—for the Management Zone. To select Data Flow Probes/probe clusters for the Management Zone, see Data Flow Probe Selection Area below.


    • Data Flow Probes/probe clusters must have a defined range before being bound to a Management Zone.

    • If changes are made to the range of a bound Data Flow Probe/probe cluster, these changes are applied to the Management Zone's range only after deactivating and reactivating the Management Zone.

      Similarly, if you add a Probe to a bound probe cluster, the Probe is, in effect, added to the probe cluster only after and reactivating the Management Zone.

  • Define partial ranges on domains. Displays the Select Ranges area in the lower pane, enabling you to define ranges for the Management Zone that are subsets of the ranges defined for the existing domains. For details, see <Define Domain Ranges area> below.

Default: Use full Data Flow Probe ranges is selected

Note In order to get predictable discovery results, we recommend that when defining the IP ranges for your Management Zones, they are configured in such a way so that all related IP addresses for a particular discovery node belong to the same Management Zone.

If IP addresses belonging to one discovery node span more than one Management Zone, and the Management Zones are ranked at different levels, unpredictable discovery results may occur. This is because the IP address that was selected to communicate with the discovery node is used to determine which Management Zone the discovery node belongs to, and that address may not always belong to the Management Zone with the highest rank.

Data Flow Probe Selection Area

Displayed when Ranges Method > Use full Data Flow Probe ranges is selected. It displays the all of the Data Flow Probes/probe clusters available in UCMDB, and enables you to select Data Flow Probes/probe clusters for the Management Zone. Discovery in the Management Zone is run over the full ranges of the selected Data Flow Probes/probe clusters .

  • Non-selected Probes list. Lists the Data Flow Probes/probe clusters in UCMDB that can be added to the Management Zone. Select a Data Flow Probe/probe cluster and click to move it to the Selected Probes list. Click to move all of the Data Flow Probes/probe clusters to the Selected Probes list.

  • Selected Probes list. Lists the Data Flow Probes/probe clusters selected for the Management Zone. Select a Data Flow Probe/probe cluster and click to remove it from the Selected Probes list. Click to remove all of the Data Flow Probes/probe clusters from the Selected Probes list.

<Define Domain Ranges area>

Displayed when Ranges Method > Define partial ranges on domains is selected.

  • Domains tree. Displays the domains available for the Management Zone.

  • New Range. Opens the New Range dialog box, enabling you to set sub-ranges for management zones. For details on creating new ranges for management zones, see New/Edit Range Dialog Box.
  • Select Range. Opens the Select Range dialog box, enabling you to select the sub-ranges you want to include or exclude from the full range of the selected domain.

    If the selected domain contains Data Flow Probes/probe clusters with IP ranges defined, when you open the Select Range dialog box, it displays all IP ranges belonging to the Data Flow Probes/probe clusters under the domain as sub-ranges. In the Select Range dialog box, you can select multiple sub-ranges. After clicking OK, the selected sub-ranges are added to the selected domain. Then, you can select a sub-range and click Edit Range to edit the sub-range.

    If a sub-range has more than one excluded section, you cannot choose to exclude only one section; if you choose to exclude one section, all sections will be excluded.

  • Edit Range. Opens the Edit Range dialog box, enabling you to edit the sub-ranges you want to include or exclude from the full range of the selected domain. This button is available only if you have previously added at least one sub-range of the domain to the Management Zone. For details on editing the existing ranges for management zones, see New/Edit Range Dialog Box.
  • Delete Range. Enables you to delete a sub-range from the Management Zone. This button is available only if you have previously added at least one sub-range of the domain to the Management Zone.

    Note Deleting a sub-range here deletes the sub-range from the Management Zone, but not from the domain itself.

Settings Tab

This tab allows you to configure settings for the selected Management Zone. For details about global Management Zone settings, see Global Settings Dialog Box.

Important information

These settings are the same as the settings that can be configured globally for all Management Zones, with the following limitations:

  • The settings that you configure for a particular Management Zone affect that Management Zone only, and not all the Management Zones in the system.
  • The settings configured for a particular Management Zone override the global Management Zone settings for that Management Zone only.
UI Elements Description
General Settings

Enables you to change the current value of a selected setting.

Note The setting Maximum Probe Connections Per Second can be configured globally for all Management Zones only, as this setting affects the entire probe and not only a Management Zone.

Application Signatures

Enables you to select application signatures for the Management Zone.

Note The list of available application signatures is managed Global Settings dialog box. For details, see How to Configure Global Management Zone Settings.


Enables you add ports or edit a port's port number, or delete a port.

Note If the port should be detected using TCP/UDP port scanning, select Discover Port.