
The Reconciliation process consists of two important steps:

  • Identification. The process by which CIs and relationships within the CMDB are identified against existing CIs within the CMDB, other CIs within the same bulk, or CIs coming from various federated data sources.

  • Reconciliation Priority. The process by which the CMDB reconciliation engine decides how to deal with conflicting data. When conflicting values are given for the same CI attribute by different integrations, the CMDB reconciliation engine resolves the conflict by looking at the reconciliation priority assigned to each integration.

By default, unless you customize the reconciliation priorities within the Reconciliation Priority Manager, the CMDB reconciliation engine uses the last reported value as the most accurate, that is, all integrations have exactly the same priority.

For more information about reconciliation, see Data Reconciliation.

For details about the Reconciliation Priority Manager, see Reconciliation Priority Window.