Use > Data Flow Management > Integrations > Integrating Multiple CMDBs > Multiple Deployments with Version 9.x/10.x CMDBs Using Population

Multiple Deployments with Version 9.x/10.x CMDBs Using Population

When you use the UCMDB 9.x or UCMDB 10.x adapter to create an integration point, you are able to synchronize data between different CMDB instances using either population or data push. For details on the data push method, see Multiple Deployments with Version 9.x/10.x CMDBs Using Data Push.

Population from UCMDB 9.x/10.x (CMS Synchronization)

During population, global IDs are synchronized. For details, see Global ID Synchronization.

For details on population, see How to Work with Population Jobs.

Query Support

In the population flow, the job queries are retrieved from the remote UCMDB.

Two types of queries are supported for population jobs:

  • Live queries. All non-federated TQL queries, when they are used for population with the UCMDB 9.x/10.x adapter.

    Live queries require less bandwidth, and cause less load on the source system. There may be a short delay from the time the change is made until the live query mechanism or the population job receives the change (this may take up to several minutes).

    Subgraphs and compound relationships are supported in queries. When using compound relationships, you must select Show full path between source and target CIs in the Compound Relationship properties of the query.

  • Federated queries. Queries that contain at least one federated node or attribute.

    When the UCMDB 9.x/10.x adapter is used, federated queries may also be used for population.

    Federated queries are calculated each time the integration is performed; the entire result set is retrieved and filtered by the Probe.

    The deletion of CIs is not supported. The aging mechanism must be used, since no information about the deletion of CIs or links is populated. For details, see CI Lifecycle and the Aging Mechanism.

    You can create TQL queries for integration. For details, see Topology Query Language.

Global ID Synchronization

The following examples describe two types of synchronization that can be performed:

  • Two-way ID synchronization

    Synchronization of data occurs in both directions between two UCMDB instances.

    The CMS uses the population flow to retrieve data from UCMDB-B, which may be any UCMDB. UCMDB-B uses the population flow to populate data from the CMS.

    Because synchronization is performed in two directions, global IDs are also updated on UCMDB-B.

  • Pushback of IDs

    The CMS uses the population flow to retrieve data from UCMDB-B. CIs are reconciled with the data in the CMS.

    The global-ID in the CMS for each CI received is pushed back to UCMDB-B.

    The default state of this option is disabled.

    For details about enabling the pushback of IDs, see How to Set Up Integrations Between Multiple CMDBs.

Automatic Completion of Reconciliation Data

The UCMDB 9.x/10.x adapter automatically retrieves data needed for the reconciliation process of the CIs brought by the population flow. The actual data retrieved is determined by the reconciliation rule defined for the CITs of the TQL query. This is necessary to ensure that the identification process is executed accurately and no CIs are incorrectly merged.

For example, if your population TQL query includes a node but does not have any layout selected, the actual data that enters the CMDB is:

  • Nodes, with layout

    • name

    • bios_uuid

    • serial_number

    • additional data, according to the defined reconciliation rule

  • IP Addresses, with layout

    • name

    • routing_domain

  • Interfaces, with layout

    • mac_address

    • interface_name

  • Note  

    • The automatic completion feature may actually synchronize many more CIs or links than you intend.

    • The automatic completion feature always retrieves the Global ID.

    • By default, if data required for the reconciliation of a particular CI cannot be retrieved (for example, if the data is missing in the source), that CI is ignored without causing the entire job to fail. You can change this behavior in the CmdbAdapter configuration. For details, see Adapter Configuration Tab.

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