
A DFM process needs several parameters to be activated. These parameters specify the method to be used (for example, ping five times before declaring a failure) and against which CI a method should be run. If parameters have not been defined by the user, the DFM process uses the default parameters defined in the file. If parameters have been defined by the user, the DFM process uses the custom parameters defined in the file first, and then the file.

The file is located in the following folder: C:\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\conf.

Note Starting with version 10.33, if you want to edit or update any property in the file, if the property also exists in the file, Micro Focus highly recommends you to make sure the property is updated in both files to keep consistency.

Probe restart is required for the changes to take effect.

The file is divided into the following sections:

  • Server Connection Definitions. Contains parameters that are needed to set up the connection between the server and the Probe, such as the protocol to be used, machine names, default Probe and domain names, time-outs, and basic authentication.

  • Data Flow Probe Definitions. Contains parameters that define the Probe, such as root folder location, ports, and Manager and Gateway addresses.

  • Probe Gateway Configurations. Contains parameters that define time intervals for retrieving data.

  • Probe Manager Configurations. Contains parameters that define Probe Manager functionality, such as scheduled intervals, touching, result grouping, chunking, threading, time-outs, filtering, and reporting multiple updates.

  • I18N Parameters. Contains parameters that define language settings.

  • Internal Configurations. Contains parameters that enable DFM to function efficiently, such as thread pool size.

    Caution Internal configuration parameters should not be changed without an advanced knowledge of Data Flow Management.

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