Cluster Details Pane

Enables you to view the details of the probe cluster selected in the Domains and Probes tree.

To access Select Data Flow Probe Setup > Domains and Probes pane > Domains and Probes root node > a domain > Data Flow Probes > a cluster.
Relevant task
See also

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
Cluster Description pane The description of the selected cluster.
Associated Probes pane

Enables you to manage Data Flow Probes associated with the cluster.

  • Add Probe to Cluster . Enables you to add Data Flow Probes to the cluster.

  • Remove Probe from Cluster . Removes the selected Data Flow Probe from the cluster.


    • A Probe that is removed from a cluster has no network range. To define a range for the Probe, see New/Edit Range Dialog Box.
    • If you add a Probe to a cluster and remove the Probe before saving the cluster then:

      • if changes were made to the Probe's range after adding the Probe, the range remains with the cluster
      • if no changes were made to the Probe's range after adding the Probe, the range remains with the Probe
  • View Constraint . Opens the Trigger Query Editor dialog box and displays the defined TQL constraints for the selected Probe.
  • Set TQL Constraint. Opens the Choose Discovery Query dialog box, enabling you select a constraint query for the Probe. When the cluster distributes its network range among its Probes, it takes into account the constraints defined on the Probes.

Ranges Pane

Enables you to define network ranges over which the Data Flow Probes in the cluster should perform discovery.

Important Information
  • For details on searching for a specific range, see the Find Probe Range by IP button in Data Flow Probe Setup Window.
  • When a specific Probe in a cluster is selected, its range is displayed but is not editable.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
New Range. Opens the New Range dialog box, enabling you to define a new network range for the selected probe cluster. For details, see New/Edit Range Dialog Box.

Delete Range. Enables you to delete the selected range.

Note You can also delete an excluded IP range.

Edit Range. Opens the Edit Range dialog box, enabling you to edit the selected range for the probe cluster. For details, see New/Edit Range Dialog Box.

Note You can also edit an excluded IP range.

Export Data To File. Enables you to export the defined ranges in the following formats:

  • Excel. The table data is formatted as an .xls (Excel) file that can be displayed in a spreadsheet.

  • PDF. The table data is exported in PDF format.

  • RTF. The table data is exported in Rich Text Format.

  • CSV. The table data is formatted as a comma-separated values (CSV) text file that can be displayed in a spreadsheet.

    Note For the CSV formatted table data to display correctly, the comma (,) must be defined as the list separator. In Windows, to verify or modify the list separator value, open Regional Options from the Control Panel, and on the Numbers tab ensure that the comma is defined as the List Separator value. In Linux, you can specify the list separator in the application that opens the CSV file.

  • XML. The table data is formatted as an XML file that can be opened in a text or XML editor.

    Tip To extract HTML code from the report:

    • Save the file as HTML

    • Open the file in an HTML editor

    • Copy the relevant table into the target file

Note Ranges in CIDR notation can also be exported.

Import Ranges from CSV File. Opens the Import Ranges from File dialog box, enabling you to select a CSV file from which to import a set of ranges.

Before importing ranges, verify that:

  • The imported file is a valid CSV file

    The CSV file must be built using the following names for the column headings:

    • Range. The range to import. This can be an IP range (IPv4 only) or in CIDR notation (IPv4/IPv6).

    • Excluded Ranges. The IP ranges to exclude from the imported range.

      Note The excluded range must be defined in the same format (IPv4/IPv6) as the full range.

      Important: See example below:

      • When defining an excluded IP range, always include the full range in the Ranges column as well.
      • When a range is defined in CIDR notation, the excluded ranges must be defined in the IP range format (<start_ip_address> – <end_ip_address>)
    • Description. A description of the range

    • Type. The range type: 1 = Client; 0 = Data Center


Expand All. Expands the entire hierarchical tree structure to display all of the defined IP ranges, including the excluded IP ranges.
Collapse All. Collapses the hierarchical tree structure, leaving the top-level IP ranges showing, but hiding excluded IP ranges.

Show/Hide Legend. Shows/Hides the legend for the Ranges pane.

  • . Denotes the range of IP addresses included for the selected Probe.
  • . Denotes a range of IP addresses to exclude from the defined IP range.
<Ranges grid> Lists the network ranges where the Data Flow Probes in the cluster perform discovery. For details, see New/Edit Range Dialog Box.