Use > Modeling > Modeling > Modeling Studio > Revealed CIs and Watchpoints

Revealed CIs and Watchpoints

The Modeling Studio provides two advanced methods of adding CIs to an existing model: revealing related CIs and defining watchpoints.

Revealing CIs

One approach to building a model is to add CIs related to the CIs in the model. The Modeling Studio provides a tool to help you reveal those CIs. The process of revealing related CIs involves constructing a reveal path, which is a chain of CI types that are related to each other. The first item in your reveal path is the CI type of the CI from which you started to reveal CIs. The Modeling Studio locates all of its related CIs and lists their CI types. By selecting one of those types, you build the next step of your path. All the related CIs of that type appear in the lower pane of the dialog box. You can select the ones you want to include in your model. The process is repeated to build the following step of the path.

For example, if you begin to reveal CIs from a CI of type Windows, the Modeling Studio may reveal related CIs of types Interface, Network, and IP. If you select Network, the related CIs of type Network appear in the lower pane and can be added to the model by dragging them into the CIs Basket or clicking the CIs Basket icon:

Click Next to build the next step of the path using Network as your selection. The Modeling Studio reveals related CIs of type Windows, Unix, and IP. Unix is selected and the Unix CIs appear in the lower pane and can be added to the model by dragging the selected ones into the CIs Basket pane:

Click Next to build the next step of the path using Unix as your selection:

In this case, a reveal path of Windows > Network > Unix was constructed. At each step, you have the option of adding any of the revealed related CIs to your model. For details on revealing CIs, see Reveal CIs Dialog Box.

It is also possible to construct a reveal path without revealing CIs. For details, see Create/Edit/Save Reveal Path Dialog Box.


Another method of locating related CIs to add to the model is by defining a watchpoint for a selected CI in the model. A watchpoint is a mechanism which is triggered when a new related CI of a specified type is created. Every watchpoint is defined in connection with a reveal path. If a new related CI of any CI type included in the path is created, the watchpoint is triggered and an indicator appears next to the model. For details on defining a watchpoint, see New Watchpoint Dialog Box.

Note You must save a new model before defining watchpoints for its CIs.

All the related CIs detected by the watchpoint are displayed in the Watchpoints Updates dialog box. The dialog box enables you to select the ones to add to your model and the ones to suppress, or exclude from your model. For details, see Watchpoints Updates Dialog Box.

You also have the option to include the detected CIs in your model automatically by selecting the check box in the New Watchpoint dialog box. In this case, all CIs detected by the watchpoint are added to the model.

A watchpoint can also be used to detect CIs included in the model which are no longer related to the model. If such CIs are found along the reveal path connected to the watchpoint, they also appear in the Watchpoints Updates dialog box. You can accept the suggestion to remove the CIs from your model, or you can suppress the suggestion, thereby keeping the CIs in your model.


  • Although a watchpoint is defined for an individual CI, the watchpoint results display related CIs of the CI types included in the reveal path for all CIs in the model.
  • When adding CIs to a model using watchpoints or revealed CIs in a multi-tenancy environment, only CIs with a consumer tenant matching the owner tenant or consumer tenants of the model are added.

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