Model Editor

This feature enables you to create and edit models.

To access

In the Modeling Studio, click the New button and select Instance Based Model to create a new model or select Models as the Resource type and open an existing model.

Important information

The Model Editor contains the following panes:

  • Content pane. Lists the CIs and models contained in the model.

  • Information pane. Displays the properties, related CIs and watchpoints for the selected CI or model.

You can drag CIs from the CI Selector into the Content pane of an existing model to add them to the model. However, you cannot drag in a CI that is already included in the model.

You can drag CIs from the CI Selector into the Related CIs tab of the Information pane provided that the selected source and target CI can be related by a usage relationship.

Relevant tasks How to Build an Instance-based Model
See also

Content Pane

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element (A-Z) Description
Map. Displays the CIs as icons in a diagram.
Text. Displays the CIs in a list.
CI Properties. Opens the Configuration Item Properties dialog box for the selected CI.
Show models containing selected CI. Displays a list of the models containing the selected CI.
Show views containing selected CI/model. Displays a list of the views containing the selected CI or model.
Open selected model in a new tab. Opens the selected model in a separate Model Editor tab.
Generate view for selected model. Enables you to create a view based on the current model. The Creating New View dialog box opens, which enables you to select a perspective to apply.
Remove Selected CI(s) from the Model. Removes a selected CI from the model (it remains in the CMDB).
Insert new model Opens the New Model dialog box which enables you to define a new model within the existing model.
Expand All. Expands the model hierarchy.
Collapse All. Collapses the model hierarchy.

Reveal. Includes the following options:

  • Start Revealing. Opens the Reveal CIs dialog box. For details, see Reveal CIs dialog box.

  • Create Reveal Path. Opens the Create Reveal Path dialog box. For details, see Create Reveal Path dialog box.

  • Open Reveal Path. Opens the Open Reveal Path dialog box. For details, see Open Reveal Path dialog box.

Watchpoint. Includes the following options:

  • Watchpoints Updates. Enables you to display the watchpoint results and select CIs to add to the model. For details, see Watchpoints Updates dialog box.

  • New Watchpoint. Enables you to define a new watchpoint for the selected CI. For details, see New Watchpoint dialog box.

  • Manage CI Watchpoints. Enables you to add new watchpoints to the CI or remove existing ones. For details, see Manage CI Watchpoints dialog box.

CI Collection. Enables you to group CIs in a collection under a model. Select one of the following options:

  • Insert New CI Collection. Create a new empty CI Collection. After creating the collection, you can drag CIs into it from the CI Selector, the related CIs tab, or from the model itself.

  • Join to CI Collection. Select a CI or several CIs in the model and join them to an existing CI collection or form a new collection.

  • Decompose CI Collection. Select a CI collection and decompose it. Its CIs remain directly under the main model.

Find. Toggles between displaying and hiding the Find box and arrow controls.

Note This button only appears in Text mode.

Refresh. Refreshes the map to optimize the layout.

Note This button only appears in Map mode.

Fit to Window. Resizes the map to fit the size of the pane.

Note This button only appears in Map mode.

Select the functionality of the cursor from the Mode drop-down. The following options are available:

  • Select

  • Drag Map

  • Zoom In

Note This feature only appears in Map mode.

Print. Enables you to select Print, Print Preview or Print Setup.

Show External Relationships. Displays the related CIs for the selected CI.

Note This button only appears in Map mode.

Hide External Relationships. Hides the related CIs of the selected CI.

Note This button only appears in Map mode.

Indicates that watchpoints are defined for the current CI.
Indicates that the watchpoints have detected new CIs related to the current model. Click it to open the Watchpoints Updates dialog box.
CI Type column Displays the type of each CI in the model.
Find Enter a CI name or a portion of a CI name in the Find box to locate a CI in the model.
Find Next Click to go to the next occurrence of the selected search phrase in the model.
Find Previous Click to go to the previous occurrence of the selected search phrase in the model.
Highlight Click to highlight all occurrences of the search phrase in the model.
Name column Displays the name of each CI in the model.

Shortcut Menu Options

Menu Item Description
CI Collection

Click CI Collection to group CIs in a collection under a model. Select one of the following options:

  • Insert New CI Collection. Create a new empty collection. After creating the collection, you can drag CIs into it from the CI Selector, the related CIs tab, or from the model itself.

  • Join to CI Collection. Select a CI or several CIs in the model and join them to an existing CI collection or form a new group.

  • Decompose CI Collection. Select a CI collection and decompose it. Its CIs remain directly under the main model.

Fit to Window

Resizes the map to fit the size of the pane.

Note This option only appears in Map mode.

Generate view for selected model Creates a view based on the current model. The Creating New View dialog box opens which enables you to select a perspective to apply.
Hide External Relationships

Hides the related CIs from the map.

Note This option only appears in Map mode.

Insert New Model Opens the New Model dialog box which enables you to create a new model within the existing model.
Open selected model in a new tab Opens the selected model in a separate Model Editor tab.

Select one of the following options:

  • Print

  • Print Preview

  • Print Setup

Properties Opens the Configuration Item Properties dialog box for the selected CI.
Refresh Layout

Refreshes the map and optimizes the map layout.

Note This option only appears in Map mode.

Remove Selected CI(s) from the Model Deletes the selected CIs from the model (it remains in the CMDB).

The following options are available:

  • Start Revealing. Opens the Reveal CIs dialog box. For details, see Reveal CIs dialog box.

  • Open Reveal Path. Opens the Open Reveal Path dialog box. For details, see Open Reveal Path dialog box.


Select the functionality of the cursor. The following options are available:

  • Select

  • Drap Map

  • Zoom In

Note This option only appears in Map mode.

Show Containing Models Displays a list of the models containing the selected CI.
Show Containing Views Displays a list of the views containing the selected CI or model.
Show External Relationships

Displays the related CIs for the selected CI.

Note This option only appears in Map mode.


The following options are available:

  • Watchpoints Updates. Display the watchpoint results and select CIs to add to the model. For details, see Watchpoints Updates dialog box.

  • New Watchpoint. Define a new watchpoint for the selected CI. For details, see New Watchpoint dialog box.

  • Manage CI Watchpoints. Add new watchpoints to the CI or remove existing ones. For details, see Manage CI Watchpoints dialog box.


Select the size of the map from the list of percents.

Note This option only appears in Map mode.

Information Pane - Properties Tab

This area displays the properties of the selected CI.

Important information This pane is identical to the Properties tab of the Information pane in IT Universe Manager. For details, see Configuration Item Properties Dialog Box.

Information Pane - Related CIs Tab

This area displays the CIs related to the model by one of the triplets that includes an Impacted By (Potentially) relationship.

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element (A-Z) Description
Click to delete the relationship to the selected CI.

Click Invert Direction to switch the direction of the relationship for the selected CI.

Note This option is only active for CIs related by a usage relationship.

<CI list> Lists the name and CI type of the CIs related to the model by usage relationships, as well as the direction of the relationship.
Filter by Select a field by which to filter the results and enter the value in the by box.

Information Pane - Watchpoints Tab

This area displays the watchpoints defined for the selected CI.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element (A-Z) Description
Click to open the Manage CI Watchpoints dialog box, which enables you to edit the watchpoint.
Automated Indicates whether the new CIs found by the watchpoint are automatically added to the view.
Source CI Displays the CI forming the beginning of the reveal path.
Watchpoint Name The name of the reveal path associated with the watchpoint.
Watchpoint Path Displays the reveal path of the watchpoint.