Predefined Queries for Population Jobs

The following TQL queries (located in the Modeling Studio in the Integration\Data In folder) are provided out-of-the-box if you use the DDMI adapter when you create an integration point:

  • hostDataImport - use to import nodes. Imported data includes nodes whose NodeRole attribute is either null, or contains desktop, server, or virtualized_system. Nodes are identified either by their interface or IP address. Information also includes the location of the nodes (building, floor and room).

  • networkDataImport - use to import nodes that are not imported with hostDataImport. Similar to hostDataImport, except that it imports nodes whose NodeRole is not null and does not contain the following strings: desktop, server, virtualized_system, or printer.

  • printerDataImport - use to import printers. Similar to networkDataImport, except that it does import nodes whose NodeRole contains the string printer.

  • Layer2DataImport - use to import Layer2 connections between pairs of nodes through their interfaces. Information also includes the nodes and their IP addresses.