
The VMware vRealize Operations Manager (vROps) connects to vROps to discover managed vCenter environments and all hosted VMware virtual environments.

The data from vCenter servers is replicated to vROps's own database and generally synced every five minutes (data that does not change very often, for example, Virtual Machine names, are synced less frequently than every five minutes). Having all this data collected, the vROps application provides an overview of operational information on all the resources managed by the connected vCenter servers. Additionally, vROps provides a RESTful API to access its data. The data is sent by the API in XML or JSON format.

VMware vROps and its API provides an alternative discovery method of discovering the VMware topology. Instead of running VMware discovery against each vCenter server, the vROps discovery can be used to discover the overall VMware topology from all vCenter servers connected to vROps in a single discovery flow.

The vROps discovery scripts use the Piezo library for accessing the UCMDB API. Piezo grants a much easier way to use the API and provides some additional functionality, which can be used within the scripts, such as sending HTTP requests to the vROps API.

Compared with vCenter-based VMware discovery jobs, the VMware vROps Topology by WebServices job can only discover Virtual Machine (VM) related data.