Create Transform Maps between Staging Tables and Target Tables

Transform maps assure the mapping between staging tables and target tables. They provide the chance to process and filter the data before committing it in the target table. The transform maps will also be used to prevent duplicate from being created in ServiceNow by choosing a coalesce field.

All tables extending cmdb_ci have a correlation_id field. This field is used to contain the global_id sent from UCMDB. The value is unique and will serve as coalesce field.

The ServiceNow enhanced generic adapter offers the capability to not use the Correlation ID as coalesce field in case this field is used by a different integration and cannot be overwritten by UCMDB. In order to spare the Correlation ID field, see Create a Custom coalesce Field instead of Using the Correlation ID Field.

The transform map for the relationship table is the only one different than every other class model. The coalesce field is the combination of three attributes: parent, child, and type.