View Master Sai Page

This page enables you to check contents of master SAI files on SSA server.

To access

On the Smart Software Analytics page, select Available master sai in the SAI data type drop-down box, and then click a master SAI file name from the file list.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element (A-Z) Description
Click to display the LOGOUT button.
Click to open the Smart Software Analytics's Help page.
Click to go back to the Smart Software Analytics page.
Search Filter: Click the arrow to select the level of the SAI entries for which you want to search: publisher, application, release, version, or file.
<Search box> Type here the search keywords.
Click to trigger the search.
Click to return all available entries contained in the SAI file.
Click to show or hide the left-hand pane that contains entries of publisher and application level.
<Left pane>/<Right pane>

In the left pane, you can a list of SAI entries which are grouped by publisher. Each publisher entry is a hierarchical tree that consists of contents up to five levels:

  • The top level: publisher
  • The second level: application
  • The third level (if any): release
  • The fourth level (if any): version
  • The fifth level (if any): file

You can expand an SAI entry down by clicking to get entries of sub-levels. The release, version and file information, if any, is expanded under the right pane.