Widgets > Working with Widgets > Change the Source of Thumbnail Pictures (for the Stakeholder Widget)

Change the Source of Thumbnails (for the Stakeholder Widget)

The default source for pictures of CI owners (both direct and indirect) presented in the Stakeholder widget is the gravatar.com website. This source location can be changed according to the following instructions.

  1. In UCMDB, go to Administration > Infrastructure Settings Manager > UCMDB Browser settings.
  2. In the Name column, choose Stakeholder Image URL.
  3. In the Value column, enter the URL for the new source location. The URL should have a parameter (or parameters) in square brackets (as shown in the examples below), which is an attribute name from the Party CIT, or from the Organization CIT or Person CIT which are children of the Party CIT. At runtime, the actual value of this attribute is set in the URL in order to receive the image.


    • To use an image from the gravatar site, enter:


      where [email] is an attribute of the Person CIT and will be replaced by the actual email address of the Stakeholder at runtime.

    • To use an image from Facebook image, enter:


      where [attr_name] is an any attribute that contains the Facebook User ID (this attribute should be added to Party CIT) and will be replaced by the actual Facebook User ID of the Stakeholder at runtime.

    • To use an image from Google, enter:


      where [attr_name] is an any attribute that contains the Google User ID (this attribute should be added to Party CIT) and will be replaced by the actual Google User ID of the Stakeholder at runtime.