Use > Incident Management > Incident Management workflows and user tasks > Cancel an opened task for an incident record

Cancel an opened task for an incident record

Applies to User Roles:

Incident Coordinator
Incident Manager
Incident Analyst

If an incident record has an opened task, you can cancel the open task by using the Cancel Task feature.

To cancel an opened task for an incident record:

  1. Click Incident Management > Search Incidents, enter your search criteria, and then click Search.
  2. Select an incident and then click the Tasks tab.

    A task list appears if this change contains opened tasks.

  3. Double-click the task that you want to cancel.
  4. Click Cancel Task from the More drop-down list.
  5. Enter the Task Outcome and then click Finish.

The opened task is now cancelled:

  • The status of the opened task is set to Cancelled.
  • The automatic transition moves the workflow phase to Cancelled.
  • The Completion Code is set to Cancelled.

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Create an incident task

Close an opened task for an incident record