Stock management

As a sub-module in Request Fulfillment, stock management manages the stock information, including stock rooms, reorder rules, model vendors, and inventory configuration.

To access stock management, from the System Navigator, click Request Fulfillment > Stock Management. Then, you can access the following menu items for stock management.

  • Stock Rooms

    A stock room stores inventory information and generic information such as supporting locations and shipping address.

  • Reorder Rules

    You can create reorder rules by specifying reorder point and reorder amount for particular product catalog item in each stock room.

  • Model Vendors

    You can manage vendor/supplier information for particular product catalog item.

  • Inventory Configuration

    The configuration is referenced by the “Take Inventory” feature which calculates the amount of installed, reserved, available, and unavailable product catalog items in each stock room.

Related topics

Request Fulfillment configuration

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Create a reorder rule