Multiple-record functions

Multiple-record functions allow you to perform add, update, delete, and print functions on multiple records within a database. The Mass functions (Mass Add, Mass Update, Mass Delete) become available whenever a query produces a record list, that is, the desired function acts upon the records in the record list.

Note The Mass functions may require use of the Administration Mode check box when starting Database Manager.

The topics below comprise an example of how to use multiple-record functions. Follow the steps in this order. If you skip a step, the example will not work.

  1. Add multiple records using a literal value
  2. Add multiple records using a variable value
  3. Update multiple records using a literal value
  4. Update multiple records using a variable value
  5. Avoid invalid duplicate or null key errors
  6. Delete multiple records
  7. View multiple records using an alternate form

Related topics

Adding multiple records
Updating multiple records
Mass add/update function errors