Administer > Database administration > Data persistence > Purging and archiving records > Using data maps to purge and archive records

Using data maps to purge and archive records

You can use data maps to purge or archive related records in your database. A data map defines connections between various tables in your database. For example, when you create a record in the probsummary table, you typically create associated records in the problem and screlation tables. By default, Service Manager comes with a collection of data maps to common tables. For example, the following tables have default data maps defined in Service Manager:

Table Table associated by a data map
probsummary problem, screlation
cm3r cm3t, screlation
ocmo ocmalertlog, ocmapprlog, ocml, ocmlpage, ocmopage, ocmphaselog
ocmq ocmalertlog, ocmapprlog, ocml, ocmlpage, ocmphaselog, ocmqpage

To purge or archive all records associated with a particular table quickly, enable Use Data Map? from the Purge and Archive function. You can add or update data maps to create new associations among records.

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