Add and enable an integration instance

Applies to User Roles: System Administrator

The configuration of the Service Manager and Service Anywhere integration is mainly done on the Service Manager side. However, you must do some configuration in Service Anywhere before records can be exchanged between the two systems. The following subsections provide detailed instructions for adding and enabling the integration instance.

Note The following instructions assume that you use the out-of-box settings of the CaseExchangeSM_SAW integration template. However, you can customize these out-of-box settings according to your need. For more information about how to customize the settings in the integration instance, see the following sections:

Add and enable a Case Exchange integration instance

Integration Instance Mapping

Add an integration instance in Service Manager

To add the Case Exchange integration between Service Manager and Service Anywhere, follow these steps:

  1. Click Tailoring > Integration Manager. Integration Instance Manager opens.
  2. Click Add. The Integration Template Selection wizard opens.
  3. Select CaseExchangeSM_SAW from the Integration Template list, select the Import Mapping check box, and then click Next.
  4. Complete the fields on the Integration Instance Information page as necessary, and then click Next.

  5. In the Integration Instance Parameters page, configure the following settings in the General tab and use the default setup for all the other settings.

    Base URL: The base URL of the Service Anywhere API. The format of the URL is: https://<SAAS Portal Server>.

    Login URL: The login URL of Service Anywhere. The format of the URL is: <Base URL>/auth/authentication-endpoint/authenticate/login

    Tenant Id: The Tenant Id of the Service Anywhere system. You can find it from About page of Service Anywhere.

    User Name and Password: The credentials of the Service Anywhere account for this integration.

  6. Click Next. The Integration Instance Fields page opens.
  7. Modify the fields in the SM Fields and Endpoint Fields tabs as necessary. Otherwise, go to the next step.
  8. Click Next. The Integration Instance Mapping page opens.
  9. In the Post Script tab, update 10019 to the corresponding Service ID in Service Anywhere in the following out-of-box code:

    if (context.outbound) {
        context.action = mapObj["ext_properties.Operation"];
        //set the default value of required Master Data when create the ticket
        if(context.action=="Create") {
    	//set the default service
  10. Click Finish.

Enable an integration instance in Service Manager

To enable the integration instance, follow these steps:

  1. Click Tailoring > Integration Manager. Integration Instance Manager opens.

  2. Select the integration instance that you want to enable.
  3. Click Enable.
  4. Click Yes.

Configure an integration instance in Service Anywhere

Before you can exchange records between Service Manager and Service Anywhere, you must do the following configuration in Service Anywhere:

  1. Make sure your user account has the "SACM Integration" role assigned.
  2. Add an external system.
    In Service Manager Case Exchange SMIS instance, an external system named "SM" is used by default for Service Anywhere integration.

    Note For the external system defined in Service Anywhere, if you use a name other than "SM", you must make the following changes in Service Manager when you add the integration instance:

    • For the "Query" field on the Inbound tab, replace "SM" in "system=SM" with your new name
    • For the values of the "Additional path" column on the Outbound tab, replace "SM" with your new name in "ExternalSystem":"SM"
  3. Assign the external system to a group by using the External system field on the Groups page. This makes the group an external group.

After this configuration, you can select the external group for an incident record in the Incident Management module. Once an external group is selected, a new section, External Assignment, is then added to the incident page. You can then use that section to configure the record for data exchanging.

For more information about the external systems, groups, or user account roles in Service Anywhere, refer to the corresponding sections in the Service Anywhere documentation.