Integrate > Operations Orchestration (OO) > Automated deployment of changes > Automatically launch change flows upon approval

Automatically launch change flows upon approval

User roles: Change Manager, Change Coordinator, and Release Manager

You can set a change record so that the linked OO flows are executed automatically once it is approved and moved to the pre-defined phase.

  1. Log on to the Service Manager Web client. 
  2. Open a change in the Change Assessment & Planning phase (or in the Assess or the Plan and Design phase if the change has a category of Release Management).
  3. In the OO Flow Links section, select When approved as the Automation Type.
  4. Click Save to save the change record.
  5. Once the change has been approved, click Close Phase to move the change to the pre-defined phase.

    A scheduler of OO Flow Automation is created and starts in 50 seconds, and the alert stage is SMOO Auto-Approval.

    The OO flows are automatically executed, and all the execution reports are saved in an activity log with an operator of smoo-automation.

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Automated deployment of changes

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