Integrate > Release Control (RC) > Multi-tenant (multi-company) support > Re-synchronize a company record with RC

Re-synchronize a company record with RC

Applies to User Roles: System Administrator

In some cases, you need to re-synchronize a company record with RC. For example, if a company record was synchronized to RC and was deleted later in RC, you can re-synchronize the record to generate a new record in RC; if the tenants information in Service Manager and RC does not match, you can re-synchronize the information to RC.

Note To support multitenancy, both Service Manager and RC must integrate with UCMDB. If you have deployed your RC integration without UCMDB, the multitenancy feature is not available.

  1. Open a company record that was synchronized with RC.
  2. Click Re-Synch next to the Synched with RC check box. The company record is re-synchronized.

    Note The Re-Synch button for the Synched with RC check box is disabled unless you selected Yes in the Show Company in Multi-Company Lists field and the record was successfully synchronized with RC.

Related topics

Enable multitenancy for Service Manager and UCMDB
Add or update a company record and deactivate tenancy