Integrate > Universal CMDB (UCMDB) > Using the ServiceManagerAdapter9.41 Adapter > Tailoring the Integration > Integration Tailoring Options > How to Add a CI Type’s Relationship Types to the Integration for Data Push

How to Add a CI Type’s Relationship Types to the Integration for Data Push

Once you have added a new CI type to the integration and have created relationships between it and other CI types in UCMDB, for each of these relationship types you need to perform the following tasks so that UCMDB can push the relationships to Service Manager.

As an example, the following steps illustrate how you add a relationship type named Ownership (between the Cost and CostCategory CI types) to the integration for data push. These steps assume that you have already added the Cost and CostCategory CI types to the integration and have created an Ownership relationship between them in UCMDB.

  1. Add a mapping entry for each relationship type in the push relationship mapping definition file.

    See How to Add a Push Mapping Entry for Each Relationship Type of the CI Type.

  2. Create a query to push relationships of the CI type.

    See How to Create a Query to Push Each Relationship Type of the CI Type.

  3. Map the relationship query to an XSL transformation file in the push configuration file.

    See How to Map Each Relationship Type Query to an XSL Transformation File.