Use > Knowledge Management > Knowledge Management overview > Knowledge Management profiles

Knowledge Management profiles

The Knowledge Management (KM) profiles control knowledge document access, creation, editing and administration. The administrative privilege allows users to manage document types, document views, and KM profiles.

Users have a KM security profile and an operator record which determine what privileges the users has. The knowledge document categories that a user can access are determined by the knowledge groups the user is assigned.

Within each security profile, there is a direct association between a defined (named) profile and the categories and sub-categories for which the selected capabilities apply. Each security profile maps to a document category or sub-category. A user with that profile has access to the documents specified by the profile-to-category mapping and all subcategories in that branch of the category tree.

Profiles can be modified to select only some of the available capabilities for a profile, effectively creating sub-profiles. For example, some users may not be allowed to publish knowledge documents externally as well as internally.

The out-of-box KM security profiles are briefly described in the following table.

KM profile Privilege
DEFAULT With this profile, you can search and view externally published knowledge documents for those documents in categories to which this profile has access. You can also submit feedback on these documents.
INTERNAL USER With this profile, you can search and view externally published knowledge documents for those documents in categories to which this profile has access. You can also search and view internally approved knowledge documents for those documents in categories to which this profile has access. You can also submit feedback on these documents.
KCS I With this profile, you can author and contribute knowledge documents.
KCS I Editor With this profile, you can author knowledge documents and edit working copy documents in the workflow for those categories to which this profile has access.
KCS II With this profile, you can author knowledge documents, contribute knowledge documents, edit published documents without placing them in the workflow (edit in place), and publish documents internally only. Also, you can view adaptive learning data when adaptive learning is enabled in the system.
KCS III With this profile, you can author knowledge documents, contribute knowledge documents, edit published documents without placing them in the workflow (edit in place), and publish documents internally and externally. Also, you can view adaptive learning data when adaptive learning is enabled in the system.
KM ADMIN With this profile, you can administer KM document security profiles, document types, document views, and document categories. You can also author knowledge documents, contribute knowledge documents, edit published documents without placing them in the workflow (edit in place), and publish documents internally and externally. Also, you can edit adaptive learning data when adaptive learning is enabled in the system.

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Assign a knowledge group access to a document category
Add permissions for a document category or subcategory