Administer > Database administration > Entity relationship management > Entity Relationship Diagram utility

Entity Relationship Diagram utility

The Entity Relationship Diagram utility presents entity relationships for selected files and fields in your database in interactive diagrams (called Entity Relationship Diagrams or ERDs) so that you can have a clear picture of your entity relationships and identify the impact of potential data changes. Additionally, the utility can export the diagrams to static PDF format for offline use.

The utility processes only entity relationships that have a Definition Type of link, erddef, or manual.

  • This functionality is available only from the web client.
  • To use this utility, you must have the SysAdmin capability word.
  • Screen readers are not supported for entity relationship diagrams generated by this utility.
  • The accuracy of relationships in the diagrams depends on the correctness of the relevant link and erddef records.

Entity Relationship Diagram interface

The following figure shows the Entity Relationship Diagram interface.

The following table explains different parts of the interface.

Number Name Description
1 Table name input box Enter the name of a table for which you want to generate an ERD, and then click the magnifying glass icon. For details, see Generate an entity relationship diagram for a file.
2 Table list This is a list of tables, including the current table and all its related tables. The current table is identified by a crown icon before its name (for example, dept).
3 Field or relationship list Initially, this area lists all fields of the current table. However, if you select a field of the current table in area 4, this area switches to a list of relationship records of the selected field.
4 Current table and its fields

In the ERD, the current table is highlighted with a green border. Felds that are the unique key of a table have a key icon before their names.

5 View tabs

These two tables allow you to switch the diagram between two views:

  • Logical: This view displays the tables and fields using their names defined in the DBDICT records.
  • Physical: This view displays the tables and fields using their SQL Tables (for tables) and SQL Names (for fields) defined in the DBDICT records.

By default, the Logical view is displayed.

6 Filter box

This box enables you to select filters to further filter information in the diagram.

  • All: Shows all of the relationships between the current table and other tables. By default, all diagrams are displayed using this filter.
  • Link > As Source: Shows only those relationships between the current table and other tables where the Definition Type is link and the Source Table is the current table.
  • Link > As Target: Shows only those relationships between the current table and other tables where the Definition Type is link and the Target Table is the current table.
  • ERDDef: Shows only those relationships between the current table and other tables where the Definition Type is erddef.
  • Manual: Shows only those relationships between the current table and other tables where the Definition Type is manual.
7 Related tables and fields This area displays all related tables and fields of the current table.

Dynamic display

When you select another table or field in the diagram, the diagram is reloaded automatically. For details, see View relationships of a specific field in an entity relationship diagram.


The Entity Relationship Diagram interface also provides a toolbar, which allows you to interact with the diagram using the tools on it. For more information, see Interact with an entity relationship diagram.

Related topics

Generate an entity relationship diagram for a file
View relationships of a specific field in an entity relationship diagram
Interact with an entity relationship diagram