Mapping rights

As of version 7.11, your Service Manager system automatically determines if it has the rights to create, alter, and drop tables. If it has such rights, then Service Manager will automatically update your RDBMS anytime you make changes in a DBDICT record.

If it does not have these rights, Service Manager creates a null table mapping to act as a placeholder until you can update the DBDICT record with the actual table and column mappings. In addition, Service Manager offers the option to export DBDICT record changes as database definition language (DDL) so that a database administrator (DBA) can review and manually make the desired changes to the RDBMS. After the DBA has added the needed tables and columns, you can import the actual table and column mappings into the DBDICT record.

Related topics

Database (RDBMS) mapping
Query operators
Function usage
Variable usage and null values