New array mapping

Suppose we have chosen to remap our assignment.groups array to a multi-row array table with the following values.

Multi-row array table remapping options
Mapping option Value
Next available alias table a6
Array field remapped to alias table a6
Array sub-element remapped to alias table a6
Array sub-element remapped to simple data type VARCHAR
Array sub-element length remapped to appropriate value VARCHAR(60)

You can use the following steps to remap the agreement.ids field from a field in the main table array to a multi-row array table.

  1. Open the hpeoperator file in the database dictionary utility.
  2. Double-click on the assignment.groups array field.
  3. In the SQL Table field, type a6.
  4. Click Next to change the mapping of the array sub-element.
  5. In the SQL Name field, verify that the column name meets the naming conventions for your RDBMS. For example, AGREEMENT_IDS is a valid name for a Microsoft SQL Server column.
  6. In the SQL Type field, type VARCHAR(60).
  7. In the SQL Table field, type a6.
  8. Click OK to update the mapping
  9. Click OK to save the incident database dictionary record. Service Manager displays remapping status messages in the top right of the form.

Related topics

Existing array mapping
Existing array query performance
Prepare to remap the array
New array mapping
New array query performance