Use > Plan > Service Level Management > Service Level Management procedures > Edit a Service Level Target definition record

How to edit a Service Level Target definition record

A change in circumstances or a change to the Service Level Agreement record can require changes to the associated Service Level Target definition record. For example, you might change the work schedule that applies to the agreement. You can change a value in a Service Level Target definition, but make sure that you understand the impact of the changes.

  • If you change or update a record, Service Management applies the changes correctly to any calculation in progress. For example, if you change the priority in an incident from Slight disruption to Severe disruption, Service Management adjusts the calculation in progress to apply this new value.

  • If you change the actual service or offering assigned to a record, the Service Level Target definition might change or even become obsolete. If the Service Level Target definition changes, the Service Level Target calculation in progress is cleared, and any new or changed target definition calculations begin. In this case, the time already spent is included in the new target definition calculations.

  • When a new chat request is submitted, the elapsed target duration is reset.

  • When you make changes to a Service Level Target definition, the change requires an update to every record using that target definition. The changes will take effect automatically within 24 hours. Alternatively, you can click Apply now at the top of the Service Level Management page or Time Period Management page to begin updating the Service Level Target definitions immediately. The amount of time to complete the update depends on the number of affected records. If one of those records is open, click Refresh to see the updates. If you make additional changes to a Service Level Target definition after applying the changes manually, the Apply now button will reappear after a few minutes.

You can edit multiple records simultaneously by selecting them in the grid and updating them in the Preview pane on the right. For more information, see Mass update.

To edit a Service Level Target definition record:

  1. From the main menu, select Plan > Service Level > Service Level Target sets.

  2. Select the record you want to edit.

    To filter the record list, click the Add filter  button. For more information, see Filters.

  3. Click the record identifier in the ID column to display the selected record.

  4. In the Service Level Target definitions section, select an individual Service Level Target definition record and click Details.

    Field Description
    Name  Type a word or phrase that is a unique identifier for this Service Level Target definition. It should be a value that makes it easy for the end user to understand the purpose of the Service Level Target definition. For example, Incident Initial Review Priority 1.
    Description  Enter a description for the Service Level Target definition. The description might include some relevant information that helps another user understand the purpose of the Service Level Target definition.
    Target type Read only.

    This is the amount of elapsed time that is acceptable before the target (or deadline) is missed, expressed as dd hh:mm.

    Examples: choose 12:00 to require a new incident to be reviewed within 12 hours of creation. Type 1 00:00 to require a new incident to be reviewed within 1 day of creation. If you specify a work schedule, and the work schedule is not 24 x 7, you could type 0 00:00 if the work is to be completed outside of normal schedule hours.

    For this result Select this Comments
    59 minutes 0 59:00 Do not exceed 0 59:59. Select 01:00 to represent 60 minutes.
    23 hours 0 23:00 Do not exceed 0 23:59. Select 1 :00:00 to represent 1 day.
    10 days 10 00:00

    Make sure that you separate the number of days from the hh:mm with a blank space.

    If the Duration field is blank, the target is inactive.

    Priority Read only.
    Work schedule

    Service Management has default work schedules that govern the availability of personnel to fulfill the obligation defined by the target. The organization is accountable to meet the target by working only during the prescribed work hours. For example, if the work schedule hours are limited to a day schedule, only 8 hours a day can be considered in the elapsed time calculation.

    If you do not select a Work schedule, Service Management applies the default of a 24/7 Work schedule.

    Time zone The time zone to apply to the Service Level Target definition.
  5. Click Save on the toolbar.

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