Use > Plan > Service Level Management > Service Level Management procedures > Edit a Service Level Target set record

How to edit a Service Level Target set record

You can edit a Service Level Target set record that describes the type of target and associated Service Management module.

You can edit multiple records simultaneously by selecting them in the grid and updating them in the Preview pane on the right. For more information, see Mass update.

To edit a Service Level Target set:

  1. From the main menu, select Plan > Service Level > Service Level Target Sets.

  2. Select the record you want to edit.

    To filter the record list, click the Add filter  button. For more information, see Filters.

  3. Click the record identifier in the ID column to display the selected record.

  4. Edit the form with new information in the General tab.


    Field Description
    Title Type a word or phrase that is a unique identifier for this Service Level Target set. It should be a value that makes it easy for the end user to understand the purpose of the Service Level Target set. For example, Incidents priority 1.
    Description Enter a description for the Service Level Target set. The description might include some relevant information that helps another user understand the purpose of the Service Level Target set.

    Identify the Service Management module by selecting a value from the drop-down list. The available modules are:

    • Incident

    • Support Request

    • Service Request

    • Incident/Support request OLA

    • Service request OLA

    • Human Resource Request SLA

    • Human Resource Request OLA

    This field is read-only for existing target sets.

    Chat enabled Select this option to enable chat capability. For more information, see How to enable chat capability for the Service Portal.

    Definition defaults

    Field Description
    Work schedule The Work schedule time period you want to apply to all the Service Level Target Definitions for this Service Level Target set.
    Time zone

    The time zone you want to apply to all the Service Level Target Definitions for this Service Level Target set.

    If you do not enter a value, the time zone is set to UTC.


    • Neither Work schedule nor Time zone are mandatory fields.

    • If you change the value for Work Schedule or Time zone, Service Management applies the change to all Service Level Target definitions of the Service Level Target set where these fields are blank.

    • The work schedule restricts the time of the target definition. For example, if the target definition duration is 3 days and the work schedule is 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (9 hours per day), the target is only breached after 8 work days (72 hours).

    Service Level Target definitions

    Field Description
    <Target definitions>

    The target definitions associated with this Service Level Target set. For each target definition, the grid displays the target name, target type, priority, and duration.

    Select the check box next to the required target definitions or select the check box next to Name to select all the target definitions.

    Details Enables you to edit the selected target definition. Only available when exactly one target definition is selected.
    Refresh Refreshes the target definition grid.
    Switch priority grouping

    Toggles between grouped and ungrouped targets.

    For each target type, you can group all the priorities into a single target, or split them into four separate targets. When you split one target into four, the target duration value is copied to all of the new targets. When you group separate targets into a single target, the target duration value is erased.

  5. Click Save icon Save on the toolbar.

You can click the History tab to view changes to the selected record. For more information about history, see History.

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