Administer > Administer the Service Management > MT console for shared service providers

MT console for shared services providers

Service Management provides shared services providers the ability to manage their business units' and clients' request and incident records in one user interface via a multi-tenant (MT) console. Each business unit and client could have its own Service Management tenant but the multi-tenant console displays all data together in one consolidated view. The data provided empowers agents to prioritize their work and be more efficient.

The users with the proper permissions can view:

  • A dashboard aggregating real time information from multiple business units or clients about the number of incidents and requests for each managed tenant.
  • A grid displaying requests or incidents of the selected managed tenants which can be filtered like any other record grid in Service Management.
  • Individual records directly in the relevant managed tenant. This opens as a separate tab when an individual incident or request record is clicked. The record is then editable depending on the user's permissions on that specific managed tenant.

Configuring the MT Console

You create and manage your managed tenants using the Vendor Management module. Each managed tenant must have a vendor record with Customer as the selected type of vendor. Only the user with the MT Administrator role can update the managed tenant details and assign users.

  1. Ensure that your tenant is a provider tenant and connects your managed tenants.
  2. Ensure all permissions are assigned appropriately on both the provider and managed tenants per the above.
  3. From the main menu, select Plan > Vendor.
  4. Follow the steps for creating a vendor ensuring the following fields have the correct values:

    • Code = a three character, uppercase alphanumeric code used to identify the managed tenant. This code appears in the MT Console as the prefix to all incidents and requests belonging to this managed tenant.
    • Customer Type = Customer
  5. Edit the vendor record for the managed tenant and open the Managed Customer tab. For details, see Managed customer tab.

    The Managed customer tab is where you can:

    • Identify the tenant name and ID of the managed tenant.
    • Verify or edit the tenant URL.
    • Assign the users who have access to this managed tenant's request and incident data. These users must be assigned the MT Agent role.
    • Assign permission to MT users to the managed tenant's incident and/or request data.

Using the MT Console

Shared services users manage incidents and requests using the MT Console. You access the console from the Main menu. The MT Console is available only in the provider tenant.

The MT Console includes the following tabs:

  • Dashboard. Displays all managed customers including:

    • Total open requests and incidents for all managed tenants on the top right of the dashboard.

    • An icon per managed customer displaying open incidents or requests for that managed client. Hovering on the icon displays a tooltip detailing the priority level of the open requests or incidents.

    • Totals for only the selected managed customers at the bottom of the dashboard. Each is a link to view the requests or incidents of the selected customers in the request or incident grid.

  • Requests. A grid view of the open requests for selected customers. You can select up to five customers to view in the grid.

  • Incidents. A grid view of the open incidents for selected customers. You can select up to five customers to view in the grid.

Viewing and Filtering in the MT Console Dashboard

  • The information in the MT Console Dashboard is filtered to display only active incidents and requests by default.
  • You can add additional filters to limit the information you can view in the dashboard. Filtering here works like any other filter in Service Management, although on fewer available properties. For more information, see Filters.
  • You can also use the dashboard to select the customers to view in the requests and incidents grids.

    • Select a client by clicking the icon.

    • A selected customer has a checkmark added to its icon.

    • You can select up to five customers to view in the grids.

Viewing and Filtering in the MT Console Requests or Incidents Grid

The grid page where you can view requests and incidents of the selected managed customers works like any grid page in Service Management. This includes using filters and views.

The records displayed in the dashboard include only records that are active by default. In the grid page, you can change the filter setting to view the records that are not currently active.

The following options are unique to the MT Console grid pages:

  • The records are listed with the managed customer's code (as entered in Vendor Management) at the beginning of each record ID. You can easily identify the record as belonging to which customer.
  • You can change the managed customers who are selected at the top of the grid page:

    • Click the edit button to open the customer selection box.

    • Click the x on an icon to remove that customer from the selection.

    • Click inside the box to see a list of all managed clients from which to select.

  • Clicking an individual record opens the record within a separate tab that opens an instance of the managed tenant. Only users who have permission on the managed tenant can access and update data in this managed tenant instance of Service Management. Accessing the managed tenant via MT console does not consume license capacities of the managed tenant.

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