Whats new

This topic presents a brief overview of the product features and enhancements introduced with OpsCx for SIM (SIM) version 10.11. This topic also lists current product limitations.

The 10.11 release of OpsCx for SIM includes the following new features:

  • Support for Operations Connector 10.01 and Operations Manager i (OMi) 10.00

    You can use the latest versions from the product portfolio as the base for integrating your systems-management application. Note that previous Operations Connector versions and Business Service Management are no longer supported.

  • Topology self-discovery

    This feature enables you to properly present the integrated systems-management application ( Systems Insight Manager) as the origin of collected data in OMi.

The 10.11 release of OpsCx for SIM includes the following feature enhancements:

  • Smoother, near real-time propagation of events to OMi

    The usage of the REST Web Service endpoint of Operations Connector reduces the delays in forwarding the collected data compared to the previous release.

For detailed information, see the corresponding topics and sections of this document.