Integrate > VMware vRealize Operations Manager > Configure > Entity Mappings > Mappings Used in Topology Integration

Mappings Used in Topology Integration

OpsCx for VROPS is preconfigured with the basic set of topology mappings you can extend and tailor to your needs. The preconfigured mappings include only basic subsets of topology entity types defined in VROPS.

The topology mappings are defined in the following XML files:

  • package.xml: You may not edit this file.

  • contextmapping.xml: Edit this file to adjust the set of the VROPS object types that are mapped.

  • typemapping.xml: Edit this file to reconfigure the mapping of object types to CI types.

  • attributemapping.xml: Edit this file to reconfigure the object attribute mapping.

  • relationmapping.xml: Edit this file to reconfigure the mapping of relations between objects.

The files are located on the OMi host in the following directory:

Windows: %topaz_home%\conf\opr\topology-sync\sync-packages\HPBsmIntVROps

Linux: /opt/HP/BSM/conf/opr/topology-sync/sync-packages/HPBsmIntVROps

Default Object Type Mapping

The following table lists the supported VROPS object type mapping in this release.

The values outside parentheses represent display names in the user interface of a systems management application. The values inside parentheses represent internal keywords in the corresponding database.

VROPS Object Type OMi Type
WORLD (World) CiCollection (ci_collection)
VCENTER SERVER SYSTEM (VMwareAdapterInstance) VMware VirtualCenter (vmware_virtual_center), combined with the parent Node (node)
DATACENTER (Datacenter) Datacenter (datacenter)

CLUSTER (ClusterComputerResource)

VMware Cluster (vmware_cluster)
HOST (HostSystem) VMware ESX Server (vmware_esx_server), combined with the child Hypervisor (hypervisor)
VM (Unix) (VirtualMachine) *


Unix (unix), combined with the child IpAddress
(ip_address) **
VM (Windows) (VirtualMachine) * Windows (nt), combined with the child IpAddress (ip_address) **
VM (VirtualMachine) Computer (host_node), combined with the child IpAddress (ip_address) **
DATASTORE (Datastore) VMware Datastore (vmware_datastore)
RESOURCE POOL (ResourcePool) VMware Resource Pool (vmware_resource_pool)

* Unix and Windows are attributes of the same target type (VirtualMachine).

** If OpsCx for VROPS is configured to include only the virtual systems with assigned IP addresses in the topology data, all Unix, Windows, and Computer OMi types get an associated IpAddress type. Otherwise, some of them may be left without IpAddress.