
Essential Configuration

Essential configuration of OpsCx for VROPS consists of several tasks. Based on the setup options, follow the steps accordingly:

  1. Consolidated setup: Common configuration steps. They are mandatory for any type of data you plan to collect.

  2. Configure the event integration: set the event integration options, import the policy for VROPS events into Operations Connector and activate it:

    Consolidated setup: See Configure Event Collection in Consolidated Setups topic.

    Distributed setup: See Configuring Data Collection in Distributed Setups topic.

  3. Configure the topology integration: set the topology integration options, import the policy for VROPS topology into Operations Connector and activate it:

    Consolidated setup: See Configuring Topology Collection in Consolidated Setups topic.

    Distributed setup: See Configuring Data Collection in Distributed Setups topic.

  4. Configure the metric integration: set the metric integration options, import the policy for VROPS metrics into Operations Connector and activate it:

    Consolidated setup: See Configuring Metrics Collection in Consolidated Setups topic.

    Distributed setup: See Configuring Data Collection in Distributed Setups topic.

In a consolidated setup, if OpsCx for VROPS is used to integrate multiple types of VROPS entities, you can combine specific steps from the otherwise separate configuration procedures. For example, you can import policies for all integrated entity types into Operations Connector at once, and you can review and activate them one after another.

Advanced Configuration

Advanced configuration of OpsCx for VROPS is not mandatory. It includes the following tasks:

  • Configure the behavior of the events and topology integrations. See Configuration Options topic.

  • Customize the default event, topology, and metric mappings available in OpsCx for VROPS. See Entity Mappings topic.

It is recommended that the advanced configuration tasks are performed only by users with VROPS domain expertise.

Related topics

Configure Event Collection in Consolidated Setups

Configure Data Collection in Distributed Setups

Configure Topology Collection in Consolidated Setups

Configure Data Collection in Distributed Setups

Configure Metric Collection in a Consolidated Setup

Configure Data Collection in Distributed Setups

Configuration Options

Entity Mappings

Setup options