Configuration Options

This topic describes configurable options for integrating VROPS events, topology, and metrics with OpsCx for VROPS. All options are preconfigured with default values that you can modify. While basic options have their default values specified in the configuration files, the default values of advanced options are implicitly defined. To modify the value of an advanced option, manually add the option and its chosen value to a configuration file.

You can find integration configuration files in the <OvDataDir>/conf/HPBsmIntVROps directory on the Operations Connector host. They are plain text files. In a configuration file, usually in the nodes section, each option has a value that is assigned by using the following syntax:

"<OptionName>" : "<Value>"

If the appropriate option and its value are present but commented out, remove the comment delimiter // and modify the value as needed.

When adding an advanced option to the configuration file, make sure to add it to the appropriate subsection of the nodes section. Use the following syntax:

,"<AdvancedOptionName>" : "<Value>"

After reconfiguring an OpsCx for VROPS integration, restart the integration service as described in Restarting the Services topic. In a distributed setup, configuration file changes affect the locally running shared service.

Some option descriptions inside the configuration files might be incomplete or incorrect.

Event Integration Options

The following tables list options in vrops_event.conf, the event integration configuration file in a consolidated setup.

Basic Options

Option Name Description, (Default) Value
Subsection: source


You may not alter this option.

Value: VROps


You may not alter this option.

Value: event


Subsection: sink (wseventsink)

This option enables or disables secure communication using the SSL protocol.

Default value: true


String that specifies the web address to use in the REST Web Service communication between OpsCx for VROPS and Operations Connector. Specify a valid URL string without the scheme name (protocol), hostname, and port.

Default value: /bsmc/rest/events/HPBsmIntVROps


This option enables or disables a local file-based message buffering mechanism. When the mechanism is enabled, message are delivered in any circumstance.

Default value: true


Path of the directory for persistency data files—an internal buffer for the not-yet-dispatched messages. You must create the directory in advance with the read and write access enabled.

Default value: ${OvDataDir}/tmp/HPBsmIntVROps


Size (in bytes) that a persistency data file must exceed to initiate the creation of a new data file.

Default value: 10240


Maximum number of persistency data files the message buffering mechanism maintains.

Default value: 10


You may not alter this option.

Value: VROps_events


Time period (in seconds) that OpsCx for VROPS waits before retrying to send the REST Web Service request. This option is ignored if the use-persistency basic option is set to false.

Default value: 30


User name used for authenticating against the REST Web Service endpoint on the Operations Connector host.

Default value: exampleauthusr


Password used for authenticating against the REST Web Service endpoint on the Operations Connector host.

Default value: exampleauthpass


You may not alter this option.

Default value: vrops_event_message

Subsection: processor (eventsplitter)

You may not alter this option. It is used for the generation of an event output file in the XML format for troubleshooting purposes. For instructions on how to enable event output file generation, see Troubleshooting the Collection of Events and Metrics topic.

Value: 1

Subsection: sink (xmleventsink)

Name of the root element in the event output XML file.

Default value: vrops_event_message


Path of the event output file to which OpsCx for VROPS writes data. You do not have to create this file in advance.

Default value: ${OvDataDir} \

Advanced Options

Option Name Description, Default Value
Subsection:source (eventsource)

Path of the file with a valid Lua script that acquires VROPS events.

Default Value: ${OvDataDir} \



The option that, when set to true, causes the Lua script to be executed only once or until the first successful completion.

Default value: true


script-timestamp-file Path of the file in which Ops Connector for VROPS tracks the time of the latest VROPS event collection.

Default value: ${OvDataDir} \



Time period (in seconds) that defines the intervals at which VROPS events are collected.

Default value: 600


Additional search paths where Ops Connector for VROPS searches for Lua modules. Separate the paths with semicolons and use wildcard characters if needed. The value of this option is used to set the global Lua variable package.path.

Default value: ${OvDataDir} \


Topology Integration Options

The following tables list options in vrops_topology.conf, the topology integration configuration file in a consolidated setup.

Basic Options

Option Name Description, (Default) Value


You may not alter this option.

Value: VROps


You may not alter this option.

Value: topology


Advanced Options

Option Name Description, Default Value
Subsection: sink (vropsselfdiscoverysink)

Path of the self-discovery topology output file to which OpsCx for VROPS writes data. You do not have to create this file in advance.

This value must match the value of the topologyOutputFilevariable in the Jython script of the Operations Connector policy for VROPS self-discovery topology. In the Operations Connector web interface, you can find it in the Topology page of the policy.

Default value: ${OvDataDir}/datafiles/HPBsmIntVROps \

Subsection:sink (sinktopo)

Path of the topology output file to which OpsCx for VROPS writes data. You do not have to create this file in advance.

This value must match the value of the topologyOutputFile variable in the Jython script of the Operations Connector policy for VROPS topology. In the Operations Connector web interface, you can find it in the Topology page of the policy.

Default value: ${OvDataDir} \


Metric Integration Options

The following tables list options in vrops_metrics.conf, the metric integration configuration file in a consolidated setup.

Basic Options

Option Name Description, (Default) Value
Subsection: source (metricsource)

This option defines the set of VROPS metrics that are acquired for each of the VROPS topology objects of interest. The keywords are delimited by commas. The keywords of all supported VROPS metrics are listed in the configuration file right above this option.

Default value: badge|health,badge|risk,badge|efficiency


This option specifies the VROPS topology objects for which OpsCx for VROPS collects metrics. The keywords are delimited by commas. The keywords of all supported VROPS topology objects for metric collection are listed in the configuration file right above this option.

Default value: VirtualMachine,Datastore, \
ClusterComputeResource,HostSystem, \


Path of the file with a valid Lua script that acquires VROPS metrics.

Default value: ${OvDataDir} \


See Events Integration Options on page 1.


Path of the file in which OpsCx for VROPS tracks the time of the latest VROPS metric collection.

Default value: ${OvDataDir} \


Time period (in seconds) that defines the intervals at which VROPS metrics are collected.

Default value: 600


Time period (in minutes) that defines the maximum age of the stored metric collection timestamp. When the timestamp reaches this age, VROPS metrics are collected again, regardless of the configured metric collection interval.

Default value: 60


See Events Integration Options topic.

Subsection: sink (metricwssink)

String that specifies the web address to use in the REST Web Service communication between OpsCx for VROPS and Operations Connector. Specify a valid URL string without the scheme name (protocol), hostname, and port.

Default value: /bsmc/rest/metrics/HPBsmIntVROps

use-ssl See Events Integration Options topic.

You may not alter this option.

Default value: vrops_metric_message

use-persistency See Events Integration Options topic.
persistency-dir See Events Integration Options topic.

You may not alter this option.

Value: VROps_metrics

Subsection: processor (metricsplitter)

You may not alter this option. It is used for the generation of a metric output file in the XML format for troubleshooting purposes. For instructions on how to enable metric output file generation, see Troubleshooting the Collection of Events and Metrics on page 1.

Value: 1

Advanced Options

Related topics

Restarting the Services

Troubleshoot the Collection of Events and Metrics

Event Integration Options

Option Name Description, Default Value
Subsection: sink (metricxmlsink)

Path of the metric output file to which OpsCx for VROPS writes data. You do not have to create this file in advance.

Default value: ${OvDataDir} \