Administer > Policies > SNMP Interceptor Policies (Events only)

SNMP Interceptor Policies (Events only)

SNMP trap policies configure Operations Agent to watch for SNMP traps received by Operations Connector from third-party systems. The third-party system must be configured to send traps to the Operations Connector server. The SNMP trap policy reads SNMP traps, and responds when a character pattern that you choose is found in an SNMP trap.

SNMP trap policies collect data from any SNMP trap (version 1 and 2) received by Operations Connector, and send events to OMi containing preferred values from the original SNMP trap.

Before setting up an SNMP trap policy, you should be clear about the purpose and usage of the data in OMi.

Event data that is forwarded to OMi is controlled by policy rules. Policy rules consist of a condition and of settings for the event generated by the policy. The condition uses regular expressions to match the source data. The settings enable you to configure the event that Operations Connector sends to OMi.

You can use this policy type to forward information from  Network Node Manager i (NNMi) to OMi. When you install Operations Connector on an NNMi management server, you must enable the Operations Agent integration with NNMi so that the Operations Agent can receive SNMP traps from the NNMi northbound interface. To enable the NNMi integration, follow the procedures in the NNMi Deployment Reference instead of the one below.

Configuring the Trap Interceptor (opctrapi) Process

By default, the trap interceptor process (opctrapi) of Operations Agent uses the Net-SNMP APIs to receive SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 traps at port 162. If port 162 is already bound by another process (for example the Microsoft SNMP Trap service or the Linux snmptrapd process), the trap interceptor process fails to start.

You can reconfigure the trap interceptor process to listen at another port by setting the SNMP_TRAP_PORT variable. Alternatively, for Windows systems, you can configure the trap interceptor process to subscribe to the Microsoft SNMP Trap service. This configuration provides the trap interceptor process with SNMPv1 traps only.

To configure Operations Agent for the Microsoft SNMP Trap service, complete the following steps:

  1. Open a command prompt, and then type:

    ovconfchg -ns eaagt -set SNMP_SESSION_MODE WIN_SNMP

  2. Restart the trap interceptor process:

    ovc -restart opctrapi

For more information about the SNMP_SESSION_MODE and SNMP_TRAP_PORT variables, see the Operations Agent Reference section.


  • If on Windows, the trap interceptor process does not receive SNMPv2 traps, make sure the Microsoft SNMP Trap service is disabled, and the SNMP_SESSION_MODE variable is set to NETSNMP.

  • To check that Operations Connector receives SNMP traps, complete the following steps:

    1. Edit the SNMP trap policy and open the Options page.

    2. In the Options page, select one or more of the Log Local Events options.

    3. Reactivate the SNMP trap policy.

    4. Open the following log file and check that SNMP trap events are logged:

      Windows: %OvDataDir%\log\OpC\opcmsglg

      Linux: /var/opt/OV/log/OpC/opcmsglg

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Configuring Options in SNMP Trap Policies