Use > Collecting Topology Data > Use Topology Synchronization Rules to Map Data > Upload the Topology Synchronization Package

Uploading the Sync Package to the OMi server

Topology data processing is performed in OMi, therefore you need to upload the sync package to the server:

  1. On the OMi server, copy the folder that contains the mapping rules to %topaz_home%\conf\opr\topology-sync\sync-packages\. For example, if you created the package in the folder C:\temp\mysyncpkg, copy the folder mysyncpkg.
  2. Execute:

    %topaz_home%\bin\opr-sdtool.[sh|bat] –uploadpackage <path to the sync folder>

  3. Open the OMi UI and add the name of the topology sync folder to the list of packages:

    1. Select Administration > Setup and Maintenance > Infrastructure Settings.

    2. In the Applications drop-down list, select Operations Management.

    3. Under Operations Management - HPOM Topology Synchronization Settings search for Packages for Topology Sync and click the edit button.

    4. At the end of the string, add a semicolon (;) and the folder name and save. For example, to add the folder mysyncpkg, append:
      <existing list>;mysyncpkg