Use > Collecting Topology Data > Use Topology Synchronization Rules to Map Data into RTSM CIs and Relationships

Use Topology Synchronization Rules to Map Data into RTSM CIs and Relationships

For complex topologies, you need to create a topology synchronization package that contains mapping rules that map data in to RTSM CIs and relationships.

  1. Create a script (or program) that runs on the Operations Connector server and discovers configuration items (CIs) and CI relations. This discovery script must write details of each discovered CI in XML to a file on the Operations Connector system or send it through the REST Web Service.

  2. Create the sync package:

    1. In a temporary location, create a directory with a name that matches the synchronization package name (for example, /temp/mysyncpkg).

    2. Create the package descriptor file and save it in the synchronization package directory (for example, /temp/mysyncpkg/package.xml).

    3. Configure the context mapping file to tag which elements included in discovered data you want to include in the topology synchronization for mapping. The mapping rules contained in the XML mapping files are applied to the tagged elements.

      Save the context mapping file in the synchronization package directory (for example, /temp/mysyncpkg/contextmapping.xml).

    4. Configure the type mapping file to define the mapping between the discovered CIs to the type of a CI in the RTSM.

      Save the type mapping file in the synchronization package directory (for example, /temp/mysyncpkg/typemapping.xml).

    5. Configure the attribute mapping file to map the attributes of a discovered CI to the attributes of a CI in the RTSM.

      Save the attribute mapping file in the synchronization package directory (for example, /temp/mysyncpkg/attributemapping.xml).

    6. Configure the relation mapping file to define the CI relationships created in the RTSM between specified discovered CIs.

      Save the relation mapping file in the synchronization package directory (for example, /temp/mysyncpkg/relationmapping.xml).

    7. Optional: Use the supplied XML schema definitions to validate the correctness of the XML mapping files. The definitions are located the OMi server:


  3. Upload the sync package to the OMi server.
  4. Create a topology XML or Rest Web Service policy.

Related topics

Topology Discovery Syntax

Package Descriptor File: package.xml

Type Mapping File: typemapping.xml

Attribute Mapping File: attributemapping.xml

Relation Mapping File: relationmapping.xml

Uploading the Sync Package to the OMi server

Configuring Topology Through the REST Web Service Listener

How to Collect Topology Data from XML Files