Integrate > SA-HPELN integration

Integrating with HPELN

The HPE Live Network connector (HPE LNc) is a dynamic content updating tool, integrated with several HPE software products including HPE Server Automation (HPE SA).

The HPE LNc provides you with security and compliance policies to help maximize your return on investment in HPE Software products, and to leverage the extensible automation platforms to deliver new automation capabilities on an ongoing basis.

The HPE LNc provides a direct link between your Business Service Automation products and HPELN. The LNc provides real-time downloads of content and content updates for HPE SA.

Using the LNc, subscription service content is delivered every day to HPE customers' enterprise data centers around the world.

LNc is customizable through plugins called profiles. Every product integrating with LNc needs a profile that customizes the LNc.

The Live Network Connector user guide, the LNc Release Notes and the HPE LNc installers can be found at if you are connected with HPE Passport credentials.

Live-Network-Connector usually comes installed along with the HPE SA Core in the following directory: /opt/opsware/hpln/...

The live-network-connector binaries are available under /opt/opsware/hpln/lnc/bin/.

Services and streams

The HPE Live Network delivers content in the form of streams and services.

  • Stream: A grouping of related content. A stream maintains multiple content objects that are related to each other in form, function, or use.
  • Service: A grouping of streams. A service is a collection of streams that are all available to a customer based on a related entitlement, where entitlement is determined using assets and valid license or maintenance contracts for a given HPE Live Network account.

In the LNc configuration file, streams are grouped in blocks of services or products.

Viewing services and streams

To view a list of available services and streams, either use the list-streams command or the describe command.

Note Having the product set (either by using write-config --product, or by specifying --product in the command line) is mandatory for the command to succeed. To see the available products, use the list-products command.

  • At a command prompt, enter the following command:

    live-network-connector list-streams

    The format of the value returned by the list-streams command is:

    product, service, stream (

    An example of a stream returned by this command is:

    sas security vc_cisco (security.vc_cisco)

  • At a command prompt, enter the following command:

    live-network-connector describe

    The format of the value returned by the describe command is:

    product, service, stream (, enabled/disabled status,
    description and/or url of that stream, the available tags.

    An example of the output returned by this command is:

    Product       Stream                     Enabled
    ========== ============================ ===========
    hpca        security.hpca_config          0
    Configuration definition to allow for the HPCA product to add
    new or adapt to changes in subscriptions services.