Develop > Pluggable checks

Pluggable checks

The SA Audit and Remediation feature enables you to define and monitor the compliance information for SA managed servers. Because compliance standards are continuously evolving, SA lets you create specialized custom checks and policies, and extend those provided with SA. A pluggable check is an audit rule, which belongs to one or more audit policies. You create a pluggable check in a command-line environment, upload the check, and then add it to an audit policy with the SA Client.

This section is intended for software developers who are familiar with XML and with the Audit and Remediation feature of SA.

Setup for pluggable checks

Before developing pluggable checks:

  1. Install an SA core in a development environment. Do not use a production core.
  2. On a server that has an installed Agent, install OCLI 1.0. For information on the OCLI 1.0, see Overview.

Pluggable check tutorial

This tutorial shows how to create a pluggable check named HelloWorld Check. This simple check verifies that the /var/tmp/helloworld file exists on a Unix managed server. If the file does not exist, the remediation script of the pluggable check creates the file.

To develop the HelloWorld check:

  1. Follow the instructions in Setup for pluggable checks. The server where you install OCLI 1.0 will be the development server for this tutorial.
  2. The HelloWorld Check example code is included with the ZIP file that contains the API code examples.
  3. Unzip the file you downloaded in the preceding step and verify that the pluggable_checks/helloworld directory contains the following files:
    • config.xml

      The HelloWorld check is made up of these three files. The config.xml file is a configuration file. The Python script performs the audit. The Python script performs the remediation. In the following steps, you package these files into a ZIP file and then import the ZIP file into SA.
  4. On your development server, copy the unzipped helloworld files to a working directory, for example:

    cd /home/jdoe/dev
    mkdir helloworld
    cd helloworld

    cp unzip_dest/pluggable_checks/helloworld/* .
  5. Obtain a Globally Unique ID (GUID). Each pluggable check requires a GUID. You can acquire a valid GUID by using one of the following techniques:
    • Log on to web sites such as the following:
    • Download the free Windows tool guidgen from:

      If you programmatically create your GUIDs, then your code should conform to RFC4122 (
  6. With a text editor, insert the GUID in the config.xml file, for example:


    This is the only element in config.xml that you need to modify for this tutorial.
  7. In the text editor, save config.xml with the change you made for the GUID.

    Keep the text editor open. Throughout this tutorial, you will examine various elements in config.xml to learn how they map to the Python scripts and the SA Client display fields of the HelloWorld Check.
  8. In the config.xml file, note the following elements, which are related to the audit (get) and remediation (set) scripts of the HelloWorld Check:

    <!-- The name of the script that performs the check. -->
    <!-- The name of the script that remediates the audit. -->
    <!-- The exit code of the script will be checked.-->
    <!-- A string argument is passed to -->
    <!-- The default argument for is the name of the file the
    script is checking for. -->
    <!-- If the helloworld file exists, the exit code of is 0.
    <!-- If the helloworld file does not exist, the exit code of is 1. -->
  9. Examine the script, which performs the audit by checking for the existence of the file /var/tmp/helloworld. You do not need to edit this script for this tutorial. Later in this tutorial (step 30, when you run the audit in the SA Client, this script executes on a managed server.

    The /var/tmp/helloworld string is the default argument of the script, as indicated by the value of <checkGetArgumentDefaultValue> in config.xml. The script’s exit code (result) corresponds to the values specified for <checkSuccessExitCodes>.

    Here is the source code for the script:

    import sys
    import os
    import string
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    	if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    		sys.stderr.write("No argument found! Please enter a
    			file name!\n")
    filename = sys.argv[1]
    if os.path.isfile(filename) or os.path.isdir(filename):
    	result = 0
    	result = 1
    sys.stderr.write("Debugging: Found result %s\n"
    % result)
    sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % result)
  10. Next, examine the remediation script, which creates the
    /var/tmp/helloworld file. This script runs on a managed server if you decide to remediate the audit in step 35. Do not change the script for this tutorial.

    The source code for follows:

    import sys
    import os
    import string
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    	if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    sys.stderr.write("No argument found! Please enter a file name!\n") sys.exit(220) filename = sys.argv[1] if os.path.isfile(filename) or os.path.isdir(filename): # Do nothing because the file already exists. pass else: try: fd = open(filename, "w") fd.write(" ") fd.close() except: sys.stderr.write("Could not open file %s for writing!\n" % filename) sys.exit(220) # Exit successfully with a 0 exit code. sys.stderr.write("Successfully created file\n") sys.exit(0)
  11. Package the HelloWorld Check.

    To package the HelloWorld pluggable check, archive the contents of the working directory into a single ZIP file, for example:

    cd /home/jdoe/dev/helloworld
    zip ../ *
  12. Verify that the ZIP file contains the two Python scripts and the config.xml file by entering the following unzip command:

    unzip -t ../
    testing: config.xml OK
    testing: OK
    testing: OK
    No errors detected in compressed data of ../
  13. Import the pluggable check into SA with the oupload command of OCLI 1.0:

    oupload -C"Customer Independent" \
    -t"Server Configuration Check" \
    --forceoverwrite --old -O"SunOS 5.8" ../

    Note The platform option (-O) is SunOS 5.8 for all Unix and Linux checks. For Windows checks, the platform option is Windows 2003.

    If oupload does not run successfully, make sure that you have installed the correct version of OCLI 1.0, set the PATH environment variable correctly, and included the login file in your environment. For details on these requirements, see the OCLI 1.0 in the Using

  14. Open the SA Client.

    In the next few steps, you create a new audit, adding to it the HelloWorld Check you imported with the oupload command.
  15. From the Tools menu, select Update Cache.
  16. From the Navigation pane, select Library> By Type> Audits and Remediation > Audits> Unix.
  17. From the Actions menu, select New.
  18. In the Audit Window, in the Name field of the Properties pane, enter HelloWorld Audit.
  19. In the Views pane, In the Views pane, select Rules > Compliance Checks.
  20. Click the Add button , and then click File System.
    The Content pane should list the HelloWorld Check under Available for Audit, as shown in the following figure:

    HelloWorld check in the rules for a file system

  21. In the config.xml file, note the following elements, which are related to the information displayed.

    <!-- The check name is the rule name shown in the SA Client. -->
    <checkName>HelloWorld Check</checkName>
    <!-- The category corresponds to the rule hierarchy displayed by the SA
    Client. -->
    <checkCategory>File System|My Custom Checks</checkCategory>

    In the Audit Window of the SA Client, under Available for Audit, select HelloWorld Check and click the plus sign.

    The Content pane should list the details for HelloWorld Check, as shown in the following figure.

    HelloWorld check rule details


  22. In the config.xml file, examine the following elements, which are related to the information displayed under the HelloWorld check rule details figure:

    <!-- The following value appears under Description in the Rule Details of
    the SA Client. -->
    Check that /var/tmp/helloworld exists.
    <!-- The following element corresponds to the Test ID in the SA Client. -->
    <checkTestID>helloworld 1</checkTestID>
    <!-- This label is under Input Values in the SA Client. -->
    <checkGetArgumentDefaultLabel>File Name
    <!-- The default argument to the script also appears
    under Input Values in the SA Client. -->
  23. In the Views pane of the SA Client, select Targets.

  24. In the following steps you add a target server to HelloWorld Audit. In later steps, the and scripts will run on the target server.

  25. In the Contents pane, click Add.
  26. In the Select Server window, drill down to a server and click OK.
  27. In the Audit window, select File> Save.

    At this point, the HelloWorld Audit contains the HelloWorld Check (rule) and is associated with a target server.
  28. In the Audit window, from the Actions menu, select Run Audit.

  29. Step through the windows of the Run Audit task.

  30. In the Run Audit window, click Start Job.
    This action launches the job that runs the script on the target server.

  31. After the job has completed, click View Results.

  32. In the Views pane of the Audit Result window, select Policy Rules (1).

  33. In the Content pane of the Audit Result window, open HelloWorld Check.

    The Difference Details window should appear, as shown in the following figure.

    HelloWorld check difference details

  34. In the config.xml file, note the following elements, which are related to the information displayed in the HelloWorld check difference details figure:

    <!-- The following value appears as the Policy Value in the Difference
    Details window. -->
    File exists</checkSuccessExitCodeDefaultDisplayName>
    <!-- The next value appears as the Actual Value in the same window. -->
    File does not exist</checkSuccessExitCodeDefaultDisplayName>
  35. If you want to create /var/tmp/helloworld on the target server, on the Differences Window, click Remediate.

    This action runs the script. For more information, see the Server Automation Administration Guide on the HPE SSO portal.

Audit and remediation

Sarbanes-Oxley (SoX), Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), and ISO20000 make it urgent to keep server configurations in compliance. The SA Audit and Remediation feature offers you a well-organized set of policies to help you address compliance issues. A graphical interface makes it easy for you to select and run audits against specified servers, and see how well they comply with professional standards.

Audit and Remediation also simplifies system administration. For example, you might monitor a class of servers that run a home grown application built by your team, such as a database server or middleware application. As you configure and monitor the servers that run the application, you keep a list that tracks the ideal state of the configuration. Such a list might include file, directory, and network share permissions.

You can create an audit that defines these configurations, then audit the servers after installing the application. The audit results will confirm whether or not the application is installed and has been configured successfully according to your criteria. If the configuration is non-compliant, you can create an ad-hoc audit to troubleshoot the problem. When the audit results indicate an error, you can remediate the server to match your ideal configuration. To ensure that the configuration change works in production, you can set the audit to run on a configurable schedule and have a notification sent upon completion.

Showing a window for selecting an audit, the following figure includes the following callouts:

  • Callout A: Any category listed in the Views panel may have SA non-modifiable capabilities, or modifiable pluggable checks.
  • Callout B: This points to the SA capabilities for dealing with Windows services.
  • Callout C: This lists pluggable checks for working with Windows Services.

Windows Services audit rule

Each check evaluates one rule. Several checks can be bundled together into a policy.

The SA Audit and Remediation feature comes with many out-of-the-box checks. You can run most audits by selecting the desired check. The choice of audits grows continuously as developers design, code, test, and add more checks to the system through the HPE Live Network. These checks are imported as complete policies.

However, since every business has unique challenges and unique resources, you may need to determine compliance against a set of criteria not available for auditing within the SA Audit and Remediation framework. For this reason, the system provides a way to create your own custom pluggable checks.

The Audit and Remediation feature evaluates, by specific rules, the compliance state of servers under SA management. This feature can also remediate the servers that do not match the desired configuration state as defined in the rules. These rules include various server parameters, registry values, file permissions, application configurations, file existence, COM+ objects, and more.

In the Windows environment, web server rules can also be specified with application configuration, which is based upon the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Web server configuration file, UrlScan.ini. SA can compare partial or full values from specific configuration files, select the desired elements from the file, and make sure that these values or configuration file entries exist. For more information, see the Application Configuration.

SA includes many predesigned audit rules. Each defines a desired state of configuration for a server or server groups. Some rules are value‑based, providing a comparator ( <, >, ==, !=, contains, etc.), a value or set of values, and one or more checks, which spell out the underlying code used to evaluate the state of the audited item or items. The comparison data determines compliance or non-compliance. A rule may also contain remediation values if the check supports remediation.

A rule consists of a single check. You can create new functionality by using custom content objects in the form of pluggable checks. You can also bundle related pluggable checks into audit policies for convenience.

Creating a pluggable check

A pluggable check is code that is downloaded to the managed server or servers and is executed by the Audit and Remediation framework. You can use checks to extend the native Audit and Remediation properties and to provide additional specialized functionality. Each pluggable check includes a customized config.xml file and at least one script that compares the audited feature against values specified in the config.xml file. A pluggable check may also include a script that sets specified variables in the audited server to the value specified in the config.xml file. You can write pluggable check scripts in Python, Visual Basic Scripting (VBS), BAT, or shell script. A pluggable check is packaged as a zip archive.

Most of the CIS checks are direct translations of the CIS benchmarks. More information can be found at

Most types of checks fall into one of the following categories:

  • Windows Registry checks
  • Unix Services checks
  • User checks, which may use password or shadow file information

Guidelines for pluggable checks

To simplify server maintenance, adhere to the following guidelines:

  • When creating a new pluggable check, pay special attention to the names. Describe the purpose of the check, and replace spaces with an underscore. For example, Users_Without_Password_Expiration is self-explanatory. This will help you to find a check quickly when a server acquires several hundred or more checks.
  • Write a generic check. This enables you to easily create additional checks of the same execution type with only a few lines of code change. For example, for most CIS2k3 Windows Service Checks, you can change a single line of code to create a new check for a new service.
  • When naming the audit (get) and remediation (set) scripts, remove the spaces or underscores from the directory name, and prefix with get or set, as appropriate. For example, is a good name for an audit file. Be consistent on this, even if you think your custom check will not be used by anyone else.
  • Pay attention to error checking. Remember that unexpected return values might report an audit as non-compliant when a script failure occurs. Trap the unexpected error or exception, and write out information about it to stdout or stderr to simplify troubleshooting.
  • Convert most checks to a simple binary case of True or False when possible.
  • Always try to handle not only the specific benchmark case, but also its counterpart. For example, you can easily create a “Disable Service X,” pluggable check at the same time that you create an “Enable Service X” and reuse most of the code. This can be useful if you decide later to test for the opposite condition.
  • Use the standard exit codes defined by the framework whenever possible. These are:


  • When returning disabled or enabled in a Boolean type check, return 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled.
  • Package each pluggable check as a ZIP archive. A single file system directory contains the files listed in the following table.

Pluggable check contents

File Name



(Required) The XML configuration file defining how this pluggable check executes, returns, and ultimately reports compliance or non-compliance.

getName. {py | sh | BAT | vbs}

(Required) The audit script, written in Python, VBS, BAT, or shell, that evaluates the audited object, and returns text and exit codes according to the config.xml definitions.

setName. {py | sh | BAT | vbs}

(Optional) The remediation script, written in Python, VBS, BAT, or shell, that remediates the condition checked by the audit script.

Additional Code, Scripts, or Libraries

(Optional) Helper and supplementary scripts used by either the audit or remediation scripts.

The file names for the audit and remediation scripts do not need to begin with get and set, but this convention simplifies file maintenance.

The following example shows a directory structure for a pluggable check:


Development process for pluggable checks

The following figure shows an overview for the development process, which takes place in a command-line environment.

Development process

Pluggable check configuration (config.xml)

The config.xml file is a specification file for the pluggable check that contains elements to control how this check appears in the SA Client, default values, value types for comparison, and the category of the check. For example, the following element in the config.xml file determines the pluggable check’s rule category in the SA Client:

<checkCategory>Windows Services</checkCategory>

Standard categories, each indicated with its own icon, include hardware, software, operating systems, users and groups, file systems, and more, as shown in the following figure.

Pluggable check categories in the rule hierarchy

The following listing shows the template for the config.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE checkConfiguration SYSTEM "check.dtd">
<checkConfiguration version="1.0">
<checkRemediationDefaultDescription> $CHECKREMEDIATIONDESCRIPTION </
<checkGetScriptType>PY</checkGetScriptType><!-- Or SH for shell, BAT for Bat,
VBS for Visual Basic -->
<checkSetScriptName>$SETSCRIPTNAME</checkSetScriptName><!-- Optional -->
<checkSetScriptType>PY</checkSetScriptType><!-- Optional -->
<checkReturnType>$RETURNTYPE</checkReturnType> <!-- EXITCODE, STRING, or
<checkTestID>$CHECKTESTID</checkTestID> <!-- Optional -->
<checkPlatform>$PLATFORMTYPE</checkPlatform> <!-- Currently Unix or Windows --
<checkCategory>$CATEGORY</checkCategory> <!-- Top-level GUI category -->
<checkGetArguments> <!-- All arguments are optional -->
<checkGetArgumentType>$GETARGTYPE</checkGetArgumentType> <!-- STRING or NUMBER
<checkSetArguments> <!-- Also optional -->
<checkSuccessExitCodes> <!-- Only for EXITCODE type checks, generally at least
two entries -->

For more details, see Document Type Definition (DTD) for config.xml file.

Audit (get) scripts

You can design the audit script, also known as the get script, to obtain a value from a managed server. The script is executed with optional parameters, as specified in the config.xml file. If the script is running an EXITCODE check, the result of the script is compared to the exit codes specified in the config.xml file. For STRING and NUMBER return type checks, the result is compared to what is written to STDOUT.

An audit script has a set of pre-defined return codes. You can define additional return codes in the check config.xml file.

The audit script may display informational messages. These messages are useful when troubleshooting an audit script failure. Review the following sample Python audit script:

Remediation (set) scripts

You can design the remediation script, also known as the set script, to enact a change on the managed server that would cause the audit script to return success when completed. The script is executed with optional parameters, as specified in the check config.xml file.

These set scripts are optional, and can vary in character from being very similar to their counterpart get scripts to entirely different (and longer).

From a shell standpoint, there is nothing special in the script itself, other than the return codes being used. Most checks display some debug output or information messages. This is not normally seen by users, except in the event of a script failure, where the messages are useful for troubleshooting purposes.

As a standard practice, always include at least one parameter to the set script. Also, remember to modify the config.xml file so that it displays nicely in the SA Client when adding a set script to an already existing check.

Make sure your remediation scripts exit with exit code 0 to indicate success. All other exit codes will indicate failure of the remediation operation.

Review the following sample Python set script.

import sys
import os
import string
if __name__ == "__main__":
# If there are set arguments they will be loaded into
# sys.argv
# Enter the desired set code here. Stdout may be used for
# debugging.
# Uses exitcode 0 for success, and all other values for
# failure.
# enter condition where set script if successful. for this
# example, use ‘if 1’
if 1:

Other code for pluggable checks

Pluggable checks may also contain code other than the get or set scripts. Libraries, executables or additional scripts can be added to the check, so their set or get scripts can utilize these upon execution.

You can also include additional code in the ZIP file.

Zipping up pluggable checks

After you have created the config.xml file, the audit (get) script, and the optional remediation (set) script, create a ZIP archive containing these files. The following shell history shows the creation process in a UNIX environment.

# ls
# cd check_name
# zip ../ *
adding: config.xml
# unzip -t ../
testing: config.xml OK
testing: OK
testing: OK
No errors detected in compressed data of ../

Importing pluggable checks

Import a pluggable check into an SAcore or mesh using the OCLI 1.0 utility, which is documented in the SA Content Utilities. The following shell history provides an example of the import process for Linux:

# cp /var/tmp/checks
# cd /var/tmp/checks
# cp opsware_32.a.692.0-upload/disk001/packages/Linux/3AS/ocli-32a.2.0.5-
linux-3AS .
# chmod 755 ocli-32a.2.0.5-linux-3AS
# ./ocli-32a.2.0.5-linux-3AS
# . ./ocli/
# export PATH=/opt/opsware/bin:$PATH
# oupload -C"Customer Independent" -t"Server Configuration Check" --
forceoverwrite --old -O"SunOS 5.8"

The oupload command uses "SunOS 5.8" to specify that the check falls into the generic Unix category in the SA Client. To specify a check for the Windows category, use "Windows 2003."

Creating the audit policy

The audit policy creation procedure is illustrated in figure below:

Procedure for creating an audit policy

Creating an audit policy

Audit policies consist of rules. Each rule consists of one or more checks, which can include the user-created pluggable check. Audit policies and rules are displayed, created and edited in the SA Client. The following figure shows a list of the audit rules available on a model system.

List of audit rules

For detailed information on creating an audit policy, see the Server Automation Administration Guide on the HPE SSO portal.

Exporting the audit policy

To move a new audit policy to other SA cores, export it from one and import it to another using the DCML Exchange Tool (DET) command-line utility. Use this tool to populate a newly-installed SA core with content, such as policies, from an existing core. For detailed instructions on this procedure, see the Server Automation Administration Guide on the HPE SSO portal.

Document Type Definition (DTD) for config.xml file

This file governs SA Client display names and descriptions, default values, comparisons to be performed upon values returned by the check code, the category of the SA Client displaying these values, and more.

Two elements in the default config.xml file, checkGetArguments and checkSetArguments, are used to pass data values to the scripts at execution time. If your programmable check does not require any arguments, delete these elements from your config.xml file.

The following DTD for config.xml is dynamically generated by SA:

<!ELEMENT checkConfiguration (checkName, checkGUID, checkDefaultDescription,
checkRemediationDefaultDescription?, checkGetScriptName?,
checkGetScriptType?, checkSetScriptName?, checkSetScriptType?, checkVersion,
checkAllowRemediationOnFailure?, checkReturnType, checkTestIDs?,
checkPlatformTypes, checkExclusivePlatforms?, checkExcludePlatforms?,
checkCategories, checkGetArguments?, checkSetArguments?,
checkComparisonDefaults?, checkCompareValidValues?, checkSuccessExitCodes?)>
<!ATTLIST checkConfiguration version CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT checkName (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkDefaultDescription (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkRemediationDefaultDescription (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkGetScriptName (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkGetScriptType (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkSetScriptName (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkSetScriptType (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkVersion (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkAllowRemediationOnFailure (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkReturnType (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkTestIDs (checkTestID+)>
<!ELEMENT checkTestID (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkPlatformTypes (checkPlatform+)>
<!ELEMENT checkPlatform (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkExclusivePlatforms (checkExclusivePlatform+)>
<!ELEMENT checkExclusivePlatform (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkExcludePlatforms (checkExcludePlatform+)>
<!ELEMENT checkExcludePlatform (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkCategories (checkCategory+)>
<!ELEMENT checkCategory (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkGetArguments (checkGetArgument+)>
<!ELEMENT checkGetArgument (checkGetArgumentType,
checkGetArgumentDefaultLabel, checkGetArgumentDefaultDescription,
checkGetArgumentDefaultValue?, checkGetArgumentValidValues?)>
<!ELEMENT checkGetArgumentType (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkGetArgumentDefaultLabel (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkGetArgumentDefaultDescription (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkGetArgumentDefaultValue (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkGetArgumentValidValues (checkGetArgumentValidValue+)>
<!ELEMENT checkGetArgumentValidValue (checkGetArgumentValidValueItem,
<!ELEMENT checkGetArgumentValidValueItem (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkGetArgumentValidValueDisplayName (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkSetArguments (checkSetArgument+)>
<!ELEMENT checkSetArgument (checkSetArgumentType,
checkSetArgumentDefaultLabel, checkSetArgumentDefaultDescription,
checkSetArgumentDefaultValue?, checkSetArgumentValidValues?)>
<!ATTLIST checkSetArgument populateFromRule CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT checkSetArgumentType (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkSetArgumentDefaultLabel (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkSetArgumentDefaultDescription (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkSetArgumentDefaultValue (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkSetArgumentValidValues (checkSetArgumentValidValue+)>
<!ELEMENT checkSetArgumentValidValue (checkSetArgumentValidValueItem,
<!ELEMENT checkSetArgumentValidValueItem (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkSetArgumentValidValueDisplayName (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkComparisonDefaults (checkComparisonDefaultOperator?,
<!ELEMENT checkComparisonDefaultOperator (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST checkComparisonDefaultOperator not CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST checkComparisonDefaultOperator caseInsensitive CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT checkComparisonDefaultValues (checkComparisonDefaultValue+)>
<!ELEMENT checkComparisonDefaultValue (checkComparisonDefaultValueItem,
<!ELEMENT checkComparisonDefaultValueItem (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkComparisonDefaultValueDisplayName (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkCompareValidValues (checkCompareValidValue+)>
<!ELEMENT checkCompareValidValue (checkCompareValidValueItem,
<!ELEMENT checkCompareValidValueItem (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkCompareValidValueDisplayName (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkSuccessExitCodes (checkSuccessExitCode+)>
<!ELEMENT checkSuccessExitCode (checkSuccessExitCodeValue,
<!ELEMENT checkSuccessExitCodeValue (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkSuccessExitCodeDefaultDescription (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT checkSuccessExitCodeDefaultDisplayName (#PCDATA)>

The following table describes the elements of the config.xml DTD.

DTD Elements and Attributes



checkConfiguration version


Set to 1.0, only change if the Audit and Remediation framework requires it.



The English name that displays in the SA Client for the check/rule.


A standard GUID, for example,


can be generated using the “guidgen” Windows utility, downloaded from a web site, or by other means.

The GUID MUST be unique or the pluggable check will fail on upload to core. Once a check is uploaded with its unique GUID, you MUST NOT change the GUID or it will fail on re-upload with a "Database Unique Constraint Error" until you delete the original. Checks are uniquely identified by GUID, but for upload are solely identified by their name (of the zip file).


Displays in the SA Client description box. Honors hard carriage returns and HTML. With HTML, the HTML tags need to be converted with &lt; and &gt;.


Displays in the SA Client under the Remediation section of the check/rule.


The file name for the get script, for example,


The type of code determines the interpreter to be run. Get and set scripts may be types: SH, VBS, PY, BAT.


The file name for the remediation script.


The type of code determines interpreter to be run. Set (remediation) scripts may be of types SH, VBS, PY, BA.


This is based on SA and framework build number, such as 32b.0-1.0.


Some scripts may fail during the get phase, but you may be able to correct this condition via the remediation script. This allows remediation to be performed even in the event of a script failure. For example, if the non-existence of a registry key is undefined, you can create and set it in your set code.


Permissible values are EXITCODE, STRING, or NUMBER:

EXITCODE — Standard script return via Wscript.Quit(), exit, return, etc.

NUMBER — Audit and Remediation framework will grab from stdout and interpret it as numeric type.

STRING — Audit and Remediation framework will grab from stdout and interpret as a string type.


List of test IDs.


Used to display the CIS, MSFT, NSA or other Policy standard nomenclature, for example, CIS-RHEL 8.4. This is a free form field, and displays in the SA Client, so be consistent in naming it to correspond with the TON Content.


List of valid platform types for a check.


WINDOWS | UNIX (or both as individual elements)


List of exclusive platforms. Audit and Remediation currently separates things by Windows or Unix by default, but real world standards as well as limitations and/or differences across operating systems do not make this always desirable. You can limit Audit and Remediation to any platform specified by a platform ID retrieved from the spin.

This parameter may refer to one of the supported operating systems listed in the SA Supported Platforms documentation.


Individual platform ID.


List of excluded platforms. If the PlatformType claims UNIX, you can supply platform IDs to exclude from the UNIX set (all Linux + all Unixes).


Individual platform ID


This is the SA Client Category that a check displays in. Currently, a check can only display in a single category. If a category does not exist, it will be created upon upload. The following standard categories for existing checks should be used where possible:

Event Logging
File System
Operating System
Operating System|Domain Controller (sub-category)
Operating System|Network (sub-category)
Users and Groups

(checkGetArgumentType, checkGetArgumentDefaultLabel, checkGetArgumentDefaultDescription, checkGetArgumentDefaultValue?, checkGetArgumentValidValues?)>

Specifies parameters to the get script.




SA Clienttag next to the input box or drop-down.


Hover text with further explanation.


Default value for this get parameters.

checkGetArgumentValidValue (checkGetArgumentValidValueItem, checkGetArgumentValidValueDisplayName

checkGetArgumentValidValueItem (#PCDATA)>

checkGetArgumentValidValueDisplayName (#PCDATA)>

checkGetArgumentValidValues (checkGetArgumentValidValue+)

(Optional) Useful for limiting the parameters for example to 0/disable and 1/enable.

checkSetArguments (checkSetArgument+)

checkSetArgument (checkSetArgumentType, checkSetArgumentDefaultLabel, checkSetArgumentDefaultDescription, checkSetArgumentDefaultValue?, checkSetArgumentValidValues?)

setArgument elements are identical to the GetArguments, but for the remediation/set script if it exists.

The exception is:

checkSetArgument populateFromRule — the set parameter default should or should not populate itself from the rule data, versus if any default values were supplied in config.xml. Generally, this is always set to true.




SA Clienttag next to the input box or drop-down.


Hover text with further explanation.


Default value for this set parameter.

checkSetArgumentValidValues (checkSetArgumentValidValue+)


checkSetArgumentValidValue (checkSetArgumentValidValue Item, checkSetArgumentValidValue DisplayName)>

checkSetArgumentValidValueItem (#PCDATA)>

checkSetArgumentValidValueDisplayName (#PCDATA)> checkSetArgumentValidValueItem (#PCDATA)> checkSetArgumentValidValueDisplayName (#PCDATA)>

checkSetArgumentValidValue Item

(Optional) Useful for limiting the parameters for example to 0/disable and 1/enable.



<!ELEMENT checkComparisonDefaults (checkComparisonDefaultOperator?, checkComparisonDefaultValues)>

checkComparisonDefaultOperator not — negation of operator specified, TRUE | FALSE

checkComparisonDefaultOperator caseInsensitive — only valid for STRING types.

<!ELEMENT checkComparisonDefaultOperator (#PCDATA)>

List of default values for comparator. Useful for field or development outside the TON build framework.

checkComparisonDefaultValues (checkComparisonDefaultValue+)

checkComparisonDefaultValue (checkComparisonDefaultValueItem, checkComparisonDefaultValueDisplayName).


Value for default, passed to code.


Display name for the value, seen in the SA Client.

checkCompareValidValues (checkCompareValidValue+)>

checkCompareValidValue (checkCompareValidValueItem, checkCompareValidValueDisplayName)>

checkCompareValidValueItem (#PCDATA)>

checkCompareValidValueDisplayName (#PCDATA)>


checkSuccessExitCodes (checkSuccessExitCode+)checkSuccessExitCode (checkSuccessExitCodeValue, checkSuccessExitCodeDefaultDescription, checkSuccessExitCodeDefaultDisplayName)>

For a checkReturnType of EXITCODE, you must define the valid values for proper script operation, which generally include both the compliant and non-compliant expected values. Anything returned other than a value specified here will be seen as a script failure, which is shown differently in the SA Client, as well as in reporting.


Value for script completion, for example, 0 (for disabled typically).


Hover text for the DisplayName/Value.


Value or text shown to user for this value, for example, Disabled.