Install > Advanced SA installation information

Advanced SA installation information

Note: The information in this section is only for the use HPE Professional Services, HPE-certified consultants, and/or HPE Technical Support.

The following topics are discussed in this section:

Distributing core components

If you plan to perform a custom installation in order to distribute SA Core Components in a layout other than those listed inSA Core configurations , you must be aware of the following restrictions.

Additional slice component bundles

When installing additional Slice Component bundles, due to SA Core Component boot order requirements, the Slice Component bundles cannot be installed on the Oracle database host unless the Multimaster Infrastructure Components are installed on the Oracle host.

Core component distribution restrictions

Due to SA Core Component start up order requirements (certain components must be up and running before certain other components can be started), the following core component layouts are valid and show component start order (A first, B second, etc.):

Supported custom core component layouts


Core Components


Custom (customer installed) database


Model repository


Infrastructure Component bundle, Slice Component bundle


SA Provisioning components




SA-supplied database, Model repository


Infrastructure Component bundle, Slice Component bundle


SA Provisioning components




Custom (customer installed) database


Model repository

C Multimaster Infrastructure Components


Software Repository


Slice Component bundle


SA Provisioning components

Installing a Satellite with SA Provisioning components on separate hosts

If you have a requirement that the SA Provisioning components be installed on a host other than the Satellite host, contact HPE Professional Services for assistance.

Extending a Satellite realm

Note: It is very important that you understand how peer SA Agent Gateways work before attempting to extend a Satellite Realm. Misconfiguration could lead to significant, intermittent connectivity problems. If you require an extended Realm but do not have the required expertise to do so, contact HPE Professional Services or a certified HPE Consultant.

Realms are a sub-component of SA facilities. A single Facility can contain multiple realms, but a realm can reference only one Facility.

Realms are typically used to allow overlapping IP address space within a Facility in order to keep all SA Agents within a logical Facility (permissions boundary) while still providing flexibility for network reachability. For example, you may have two distinctly separate 10.0.1.x subnets that you must manage in SA under the same logical Facility. Facilities are security boundaries, while Realms inherit the boundaries of their parent facility.

Facility/realm relationships are unique to an Agent Gateway instance or peer group. If you have a facility with two realms, each facility/realm combination is managed by a completely separate group of Agent Gateways. Therefore, realms are a purely logical grouping construct for Agent Gateway configurations.

Typically when a core is installed, you assign a facility name. Then SA automatically creates a standard set of core Realms based on the facility name (<facility_name>-agents, <facility_name>-mm, etc). When you install an SA Satellite, you can choose either to start a new facility for the Satellite or to join an existing facility.

When you configure a Satellite with realm name <facility_name>-agents, you are effectively adding that Satellite as a peer to the SA Core’s Agent Gateways that control the facility’s <facility_name>-agents Realm which is the default Realm for agent management.

In some cases, you may need to extend a Realm. This can be done only by running the SA Installer in Expert mode to install the Satellite, which exposes all SA configuration parameters where you can then specify the extended Realm.