Administer > HPSA_High_Availability


This document discusses failover, high availability and load balancing for Server Automation Ultimate Edition.

Note There are two editions of Server Automation, Server Automation Ultimate and Server Automation Standard (Virtual Appliance).  This document applies to Server Automation Ultimate.

Server Automation is data center automation software that centralizes and streamlines many data center functions and automates critical areas of your data center’s server management, including:

  • Server Discovery
  • Operating System Provisioning
  • Operating System Patching
  • Software Provisioning
  • Audit and Compliance
  • Application Configuration
  • Application Deployment
  • Software Compliance

Additional details on these functions can be found in the Server Automation Overview and Architecture Guide. You can use the SA Documentation Library to find the latest version of the guides for your version of SA on the HPE Software Support Online (HPE Passport required).

Designing Server Automation architectures for high availability

Note: This paper does not address backup/restore, monitoring or disaster recovery.  All three of these need to be addressed in order to create a fully resilient solution.

The architectures described in the following sections presume that SA is installed using the standard SA Core Configurations documented in the Server Automation Install Guide.

Server Automation can be deployed in multiple configurations which provide different degrees of resiliency.  This paper does not address database HA beyond noting that Oracle RAC can be used with SA.

Server Automation components

At the most basic, an SA Core consists of the following components:

  • Infrastructure
  • Slice#1
  • Model Repository (either local or remote)
  • OS Provisioning components

An SA Core can be scaled internally by adding additional Slice components, and externally by adding additional SA Cores and Satellites.


A basic SA deployment consisting of a single SA Core is shown below.

In this design, the SA core is a single point of failure – both user connections and server management will fail if the SA core fails, as shown in below.

In-core load balancing

This information is included for troubleshooting purposes; modifying the load balancing configuration is NOT recommended, and typically results in unexpected behaviors and failures.

An SA Core consists of an Infrastructure, Slice#1, Model Repository (either local or remote), OS Provisioning component and one or more additional Slice components.

In a multi-slice configuration, the SA infrastructure component automatically load balances various services across the slices in the core, allowing additional slices to fail transparently.

Note: If the Infrastructure component fails, all components in the core MUST be shut down until the Infrastructure is recovered.

The following SA Slice components are load balanced between active slices:

SA Slice Component

Load Balancing Mode


Build Manager (buildmgr)


Connect to the first slice listed

Command Center (occ)


Use a sticky TLS session to the slice with the least number of connections

Global File System (hub)


Use a sticky connection to a randomly selected slice

Secondary Data Access Engine (secondary spin)


Use a sticky connection to a randomly selected slice

Software Repository (word)


Use a sticky connection to a randomly selected slice

Web Services Data Access Engine (twist)


Use a sticky connection to a randomly selected slice

Command Engine (way)


Use a sticky connection to a randomly selected slice


If the following Slice components are enabled and fail, the default Software Repository functionality will be used.

SA Slice Component

Software Repository Accelerator (tsunami)


SA Multimaster Mesh – simple core failover

The first HA Architecture that we consider here is a basic Multimaster Mesh, with two SA Cores, and a single satellite.

The primary advantage of this configuration is the ability to continue to manage servers and serve users in the event of a single core failure.

A Satellite has been added in this configuration, as servers which are managed directly by a core will become unreachable if that core fails; satellites can be configured to fail between cores.  This ensures that server management can continue if one of the cores fails (Figure 4:  SA Multimaster + Satellite - Core Failure).

If the Satellite fails, users will still be able to connect to the SA cores, but server management will not be available.

In this configuration, users can connect to either SA core, but must know the address of the core that they wish to connect to in the event of a failure.

SA Multimaster + Satellite Failure Conditions

Simple core failover configuration

This section describes the components and additional configuration required to implement this solution.

  1. Install the First (Primary) Core with a Secondary Core (Multimaster Mesh) as described in the Server Automation Install Guide.
  2. Install the SA Satellite as described in the Server Automation Install Guide, being sure to specify the same name for both the Satellite Facility and Satellite Realm (must be different from the Core Facility names), eg: SA10SAT

The Satellite Gateway name uniquely identifies the satellite, and is typically something similar to <Satellite Facility Name><number>, eg: SATFACILITY01

  1. Perform the remaining configuration tasks and finalize the satellite installation.
  2. Edit the gateway properties file and modify section 3 as follows:

# 3) This Gateway should have at least one outbound tunnel.
#    Please uncomment one the lines below and replace the IP
#    and port (i.e., with the IP and TunnelDst
#    port for your Core-side Gateway component.
#    ip:port:cost:bw   (bw in kbits/sec)
opswgw.TunnelSrc=<core1 ip>:2001:100:0:/var/opt/opsware/crypto/opswgw-SA1010SAT01/opswgw.pem
opswgw.TunnelSrc=<core2 ip>:2001:200:0:/var/opt/opsware/crypto/opswgw-SA1010SAT01/opswgw.pem

These two lines tell the satellite to create encrypted tunnels to the management gateways on Core1 and Core2, with the ‘100’ and ‘200’ indicating which tunnel will be preferred (the lower number takes priority).

Note:  Each tunnel MUST have a different priority.  Setting the same priority will result in unpredictable failures.

In this case, the configuration means that the satellite will send traffic to Core1 unless Core1 is down.  If Core1 is down, the satellite will select the tunnel with the next lowest priority, which would be Core2 in this example.

Note: Gateway customizations (i.e. adding a new tunnel to Core 2) should be moved from the file to the opswgw.custom file (/etc/opt/opsware/opswgw-<gateway_name>/opswgw.custom) to preserve those customizations during a Server Automation upgrade.

  1. Perform the remaining configuration tasks.

SA Multimaster Mesh – core and satellite failover

This design improves on the initial SA Multimaster Mesh design through the introduction of an HA Satellite pair in place of the single satellite in SA Multimaster Mesh – Core and Satellite Failover.

This design ensures that services can continue transparently in the event of a core, satellite, or core and satellite failure.

In this configuration, users can connect to either SA core, but must know the address of the core that they wish to connect to in the event of a failure.

SA Multimaster Mesh – Core or Satellite Failure

mFigure 10: SA Multimaster Mesh - core and satellite failover - core failure

Figure 11: SA Multimaster Mesh - core and satellite failover - satellite failure


SA Multimaster Mesh – Core or Satellite Failure

Core and satellite failover configuration

This section describes the components and additional configuration required to implement this solution.

  1. Install the First (Primary) Core with a Secondary Core (Multimaster Mesh) as described in the Server Automation Install Guide.
  2. Install the first SA Satellite as described in the Server Automation Install Guide, being sure to specify the same name for both the Satellite Facility and Satellite Realm (must be different from the Core Facility names), eg: SA10SAT.

    The Satellite Gateway name uniquely identifies the satellite, and is typically something similar to <Satellite Facility Name><number>, eg: SATFACILITY01.

  3. After the satellite installation is complete, edit the gateway properties file and modify section 3 as follows:

    # 3) This Gateway should have at least one outbound tunnel.
    #    Please uncomment one the lines below and replace the IP
    #    and port (i.e., with the IP and TunnelDst
    #    port for your Core-side Gateway component.
    #    ip:port:cost:bw   (bw in kbits/sec)
    opswgw.TunnelSrc=<core1 ip>:2001:100:0:/var/opt/opsware/crypto/opswgw-SA1010SAT01/opswgw.pem
    opswgw.TunnelSrc=<core2 ip>:2001:200:0:/var/opt/opsware/crypto/opswgw-SA1010SAT01/opswgw.pem

    These two lines tell the satellite to create encrypted tunnels to the management gateways on Core1 and Core2, with the ‘100’ and ‘200’ indicating which tunnel will be preferred (the lower number takes priority).

    Note Note:  Each tunnel MUST have a different priority.  Setting the same priority will result in unpredictable failures.

    In this case, the configuration means that the satellite will send traffic to Core1 unless Core1 is down.  If Core1 is down, the satellite will select the tunnel with the next lowest priority, which would be Core2 in this example.

    Note Gateway customizations (i.e. adding a new tunnel to Core 2) should be moved from the file to the opswgw.custom file (/etc/opt/opsware/opswgw-<gateway_name>/opswgw.custom) to preserve those customizations during a Server Automation upgrade.

  1. Install the second SA Satellite as described in the Server Automation Install section, being sure to specify the same name for both the Satellite Facility and Satellite Realm (must be different from the Core Facility names), eg: SA10SAT.  The Satellite Facility and Realm name MUST be the same for both satellites in an HA pair.

    The Satellite Gateway name uniquely identifies the satellite, and is typically something similar to <Satellite Facility Name><number>, eg: SATFACILITY02

After the satellite installation is complete, edit the gateway properties file and modify section 3 as follows:

# 3) This Gateway should have at least one outbound tunnel.
#    Please uncomment one the lines below and replace the IP
#    and port (i.e., with the IP and TunnelDst
#    port for your Core-side Gateway component.
#    ip:port:cost:bw   (bw in kbits/sec)
opswgw.TunnelSrc=<core1 ip>:2001:100:0:/var/opt/opsware/crypto/opswgw-SA1010SAT01/opswgw.pem
opswgw.TunnelSrc=<core2 ip>:2001:200:0:/var/opt/opsware/crypto/opswgw-SA1010SAT01/opswgw.pem

These two lines tell the satellite to create encrypted tunnels to the management gateways on Core1 and Core2, with the ‘100’ and ‘200’ indicating which tunnel will be preferred (the lower number takes priority).

  • Each tunnel MUST have a different priority.  Setting the same priority will result in unpredictable failures.
  • Tunnel priority MUST be set to the same values on both satellites.

In this case, the configuration means that the satellite will send traffic to Core1 unless Core1 is down.  If Core1 is down, the satellite will select the tunnel with the next lowest priority, which would be Core2 in this example.

Note Gateway customizations (i.e. adding a new tunnel to Core 2) should be moved from the file to the opswgw.custom file (/etc/opt/opsware/opswgw-<gateway_name>/opswgw.custom) to preserve those customizations during a Server Automation upgrade.

  1. Perform the remaining configuration tasks.

SA Multimaster Mesh – core, satellite and end-user access failover

This design builds on the previous SA Multimaster Mesh – Core and Satellite Failover design to include end-user access failover.

Both a single connection point and transparent end-user failover are provided by the use of an external load balancer.

The load balancer MUST be configured as follows, to avoid issues with SA internal replication and load balancing:

  • Load balancer MUST be configured to point the SA core Infrastructure server in an active/standby configuration.
  • Sticky SSL sessions MUST be configured

HA summary

The following table outlines the HA capabilities available in a single SA Core or SA Multimaster Mesh configuration with the specified SA Components.

SA Component

SA Core

SA Multimaster Mesh

SA Core


Core Failover

+additional slice component bundle instances

Load Balance*

Core Failover

Load Balance*



Satellite Failover between cores

+satellite HA pair(s)

Agent Failover†

Core Failover

Satellite Failover between cores

Satellite Failover

Agent Failover†

+additional slice component bundle instances and satellites

Load Balance*

Core Failover

Satellite Failover between cores

Load Balance*

+additional slice component bundle instances and satellite HA pair(s)

Agent Failover†

Load Balance*

Core Failover

Satellite Failover between cores

Agent Failover†

Load Balance*

*for certain components

†for agents managed via satellite HPE pair(s)

SA component failure impact


SA Component

Failure Result (Core)

Failure Result (Mesh)

Model Repository (truth)

Core failure

Core failure; Mesh continues


Primary Data Access Engine (spin)

Core failure

Core failure; Mesh continues

Management Gateway (mgw)

Core failure

Core failure; Mesh continues

Model Repository Multimaster Component (vault)

Core failure

Core failure; Mesh continues

Software Repository Store (word)

Core failure

Core failure; Mesh continues

OS Prov

Media Server

OS Provisioning failure

OS Provisioning failure

Boot Server

OS Provisioning Failure

OS Provisioning Failure

Slice #1

Core Gateway / Agent Gateway (cgw / agw)

Core failure

Core failure; Mesh continues

Command Center (occ)

User Access failure

Core failure; Mesh continues

Global File System (ogfs)

Core failure

Core failure; Mesh continues

Web Services Data Access Engine (twist)

Core failure

Core failure; Mesh continues

Build Manager (buildmgr)

OS Provisioning failure

Core failure; Mesh continues

Command Engine (way)

Job failure / Core failure

Core failure; Mesh continues

Software Repository Accelerator (tsunami)






Slice #x

Core Gateway / Agent Gateway (cgw / agw)

Slice failure


Command Center (occ)

Slice failure


Global File System (ogfs)

Slice failure


Web Services Data Access Engine (twist)

Slice failure


Secondary Data Access Engine (spin)

Slice failure


Build Manager (buildmgr)

OS Provisioning failure


Command Engine (way)

Slice failure


Software Repository Accelerator (tsunami)






Sample F5 load balancer configuration
wideip {
   name         ""
   pool_lbmode  rr
   partition "Common"
   pool         "lb.example.com_443"
pool {
   name           "lb.example.com_443"
   ttl            30
   monitor all "https"
   preferred      ratio
   alternate      ratio
   partition "Common"
   member   ratio 100
   member   ratio 0