Install > Advanced SA installation information > Satellite installation > Satellite installation > Installing SA Provisioning components on a non-Satellite host

Installing SA Provisioning components on a non-Satellite host

If you are installing the SA Provisioning components on a different server than the Satellite, you must follow these instructions:

Copy the database of cryptographic material from the Satellite host to the SA Provisioning components host. These file are found on the Satellite host in the following location:


The database of cryptographic material must have the same paths and filenames on both servers. The directory and files also need to be readable by the root user.

Copy the CDF created by the interview when you installed the satellite component to the server that will host the SA Provisioning components. You can find the CDF file in the following location:


Using the Satellite Base Including OS Provisioning media, invoke the SA Installer again with the -c option and specify the CDF you copied previously:

/<distro>/opsware_installer/ -c /var/opt/opsware/install_opsware/cdf/cdf_<timestamp>.xml

At the Specify Satellite hosts prompt, you must add the IP or hostname of the server where you want to install the SA Provisioning components

Specify Satellite hosts:
Currently specified hosts:
Please select one of the following options:
1. Add/edit host(s)
2. Delete host(s)
Enter the option number or one of the following directives
(<c>ontinue, <h>elp, <q>uit): 1

You are asked to specify the number of hosts that will be involved in the installation. Enter the appropriate number. For this example, we add one host in addition to the default host:

Enter number of hosts to add: 1

Enter the hostname or IP address of the first server that will host an SA Provisioning Component and press Enter. You see this message:

All values are entered. Do you wish to continue? (Y/N) [Y]:

Enter Y to continue.

A screen similar to the following appears:

Specify Satellite hosts:
Currently specified hosts:
Please select one of the following options:
1. Add/edit host(s)
2. Delete host(s)
Enter the option number or one of the following directives
(<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): c

Press C to continue.

The next step is to provide the OS credentials for the added host

Host Passwords
Parameter 1 of 2
<ip_address_2> user [root]:
Parameter 2 of 2
<ip_address_2> password []: *******

You are prompted for the password credentials for each specified host. After you provide all required credentials, you see the message:

All values are entered. Do you wish to continue? (Y/N) [Y]:

At the components prompt, select the OS Provisioning components to install and assign them to the newly added server:

Host/Component Layout
1. Satellite [<ip_address1>]
2. OS Provisioning Boot Server
3. OS Provisioning Media Server
Enter the number of the component or one of the following directives
(<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): 2

Select the IDs of the components you want to install (OS Provisioning Boot Server and OS Provisioning Media Server) and assign each of them to a host.

Host/Component Layout
1. Satellite [<ip_address1>]
2. OS Provisioning Boot Server [<ip_address2>]
3. OS Provisioning Media Server [<ip_address2>]
Enter the number of the component or one of the following directives
(<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit): c

After all the components have been assigned to a host, press c to continue.

Before SA begins the installation, it performs prerequisite checks that validate that the host on which you are installing SA meets the minimum requirements for the installation. The check ensures that required packages are installed, required environment variables are set, sufficient disk space is available, and so on.

If your host fails the prerequisite check, the installation will fail with an error message that describes the problem. If your host fails the prerequisite check, correct the problem and retry the installation or, if you are unable to resolve the problem, contact HPE Support Services.

If the prerequisite check completes successfully, you may still see some messages similar to the following:

Prerequisite Checks
Results for <IP_address>:
WARNING File system ‘/’ has 29447 MBytes available and 154050 is recommended.
Enter the option number or one of the following directives: (<c>ontinue, <p>revious, <h>elp, <q>uit):

The Prerequisite check identifies WARNINGs and / or FAILUREs. FAILUREs can cause a failed or incomplete installation and must be resolved before continuing the installation. WARNINGs allow you to continue the installation, however, core performance may be negatively affected if you continue without resolving them. If your server passes the prerequisite check, enter c and press Enter to begin the installation.

When Satellite installation completes, the installer displays a message indicating that the installation was successful.