SMT Importer tool

Subscription Management Tool (SMT) is a package proxy system that is integrated with Novell Customer Center/SUSE Customer Center (NCC/SCC). It provides a repository and registration target that is synchronized with the NCC/SCC, allowing a more secure centralized deployment.

A repoindex file listing all the available repositories provided by SMT will be published in a public location such as https://smt.hostname/repo/repoindex.xml. This file can be protected by a user name and a password specified in /etc/smt.conf by mirrorUser and mirrorPassword attributes.

Following is an example of an repoindex.xml file, listing all the available repositories:

<repo name="SLES12-Pool" alias="SLES12-Pool" description="SLES12-Pool for sle-12-x86_64" distro_target="sle-12-x86_64" path="SUSE/Products/SLE-SERVER/12/x86_64/product/" priority="0"pub="0" autorefresh="0" enabled="0"/>
<repo name="SLE10-SDK-SP4-Updates" alias="SLE10-SDK-SP4-Updates" description="SLE10-SDK-SP4-Updates for sles-10-x86_64" distro_target="sles-10-x86_64" path="$RCE/SLE10-SDK-SP4-Updates/sles-10-x86_64/" priority="0" pub="0" autorefresh="1" enabled="0"/>
<repo name="SLES11-SP1-Pool" alias="SLES11-SP1-Pool" description="SLES11-SP1-Pool for sle-11-i586" distro_target="sle-11-i586" path="$RCE/SLES11-SP1-Pool/sle-11-i586/" priority="0"pub="0" autorefresh="0" enabled="0"/>
<repo name="SLE10-SDK-SP4-Pool" alias="SLE10-SDK-SP4-Pool" description="SLE10-SDK-SP4-Pool for sles-10-x86_64" distro_target="sles-10-x86_64" path="$RCE/SLE10-SDK-SP4-Pool/sles-10-x86_64/" priority="0" pub="0" autorefresh="0" enabled="0"/>
<repo name="SLES11-SP2-Updates" alias="SLES11-SP2-Updates" description="SLES11-SP2-Updates for sle-11-ppc64" distro_target="sle-11-ppc64" path="$RCE/SLES11-SP2-Updates/sle-11-ppc64/"priority="0" pub="0" autorefresh="1" enabled="0"/>

where, path represents the relative location of a repository to https://smt.hostname/repo/. The path tag can be configured per repository.

The repoindex file publishes both SCC and NCC synced repositories. Each repository path can be protected by a user name and password. The requiredAuthType attribute from /etc/smt.conf enables or disables the authentication.