Create business application contacts

In SAV, you can create a list of email contacts — and send emails to contacts on this list — by adding email and contact information to the top level tier of a business application.

You can create groups of contacts, and add to each contact such information as email, instant messenger IDs, phone number, and so on. From the File menu, select Send Email, and you can email any of the contacts you have added to the Business Application

SAV also will display any email addresses configured on network devices scanned by SAV. (Most network devices have an internal configuration setting such as “sysContact” that allows them to associate an email address for the owner of the device.)

You can add contacts through the properties of the Business Application, and then send emails to any email contacts listed.

To create a new contact for your business application:

  1. From the Tiers pane, select the top-level Business Application icon.
  2. Select the Properties for the business application, and then click Add Contact (at the top of the Properties pane).
  3. To enter information for a contact, double-click in the field to the right of each entry. After an entry line is filled, press Return to enter the information. If you want to be able to send emails to a contact, be sure to enter the contact’s email address.
  4. To delete a contact, select the contact in the Properties pane and click Remove Contact .