Use > Service Automation Visualizer > SAV usage examples > View-related networking information

View-related networkin information

The administrator then selects the Network Map and sees his server again, but notices that it has a green line connecting it to another box. By clicking on that box and examining the properties, he determines that the other box is a VMware vSwitch, which in turn is connected to a Cisco switch. He can see precisely which VLAN, port group, switch port, and network interfaces are involved when his business application communicates over the network. He now understands how his business application fits into the network, both physical and virtual.

He takes a closer look at the lines emanating from his server, and notices a prominent, thick black line pointing at some IP address, so he clicks on it. He sees that the line represents 64 connections to another host on port 1433. It looks like the database that he knows his business application uses. He right-clicks the box that his server is pointing at and selects Add Devices. A window opens that shows the discovered database selected. He clicks the Add button and his Snapshot refreshes, this time including the new server.

Now he sees that the thick black line is pointing at the new server, and after drilling down, he discovers it pointing specifically at an SQL server process. He continues this until he finds his business application running across and depending on 10 separate servers.