Solaris 10 Media Server

In order to successfully provision a Solaris 10 (any minor version) you will need the NFSv2 to be supported. You can install an older version of the NFS Server that supports NFSv2 or you can create a Solaris 10 Media Server.

Creating a Solaris 10 Media Server is also the recommended solution by Oracle when network provisioning is involved.

Follow the steps given below to create a Solaris 10 Media Server:

  1. Download the Solaris 10 iso image from Oracle :
  2. Mount the iso file to the CD-ROM drive on that machine and install Solaris 10 with all the available packages.

  3. After installation verify that the nfs server is enabled and up and running. The service should look like this:

    STATE          STIME      FMRI
    online         2:19:03    svc:/network/nfs/server:default
  4. If the nfs server is up and running, create a media folder that will be exported and will be the source of future installations.

  5. Copy the unpacked media from any Solaris 10 iso to the media folder previously created and share the media to nfs.

    share -F nfs /media

  6. After completing these steps you will be able to provision with SA any Solaris 10 version by using the newly created Media Server after completing the Set Media Source step parameters.

Caution NFSv2 version is deprecated and is removed from the NFS server support. Therefore, RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise) 7 and all new major releases for almost every OS will support the nfs-server package version without the NFSv2 support. In consequence, the new platform support for SA Cores or Media Servers will have the same new version.