Use > Server Automation > SA Command Line Interface (OCLI) > OCLI command syntax > Options only for the oupload command

Options only for the oupload command

The following table lists options that apply only to the oupload command.

Options only for the oupload command




--filename-encoding (-e) <encoding>


Specifies the character set of the file name.

See also Encoding options for OCLI.

When specifying non-ASCII characters in the value for the --customer argument, include the -e argument on the command line to tell Server Automation which character set to use when communicating with the Model Repository.

--folder (-d) <folder-path>


Specifies the folder ID or folder path into which the package is uploaded. wildcards in a folder path are allowed. For example, if the destination folder is myfolder4pkgs, you can specify myfolder4*.

Do not specify --folder with --customer.

(-E) <


Specifies the character set of the meta-information in the package.

--patchtype (-a) <type>

  • HP-UX Depot
  • Windows Hotfix
  • Windows OS Service Pack
  • Windows Update Rollup
  • Solaris Patch
  • Solaris Patch Cluster

Cannot specify this option with -C, use the --old option.

Before uploading a unit of type "Windows Service Pack", "Windows Hotfix" or "Windows Update Rollup, " prior metadata needs to exist.

This is done by importing the Microsoft Metadata Catalog file, described in Import metadata for Windows patches.

If importing from a managed server, assign the server to SA Customer Opsware .

--pkgtype (-t) <type>

  • HP-UX Depot
  • Microsoft Patch Database
  • Build Customization Scripts
  • RPM
  • Solaris Package
  • Solaris Patch
  • Solaris Patch Cluster
  • DEB
  • Windows MSI
  • ZIP
  • EXE
  • IPS
  • Chef cookbook

Specifies the type of file.

Specifying either this option or the -patchtype option is required.

Wildcards are accepted.

The OCLI does not support uploading response files for the Solaris Package package type. Use SA Client to associate a response file with a Solaris Package.

If a value contains spaces, you must enclose the value in quotation marks.

--R <unit_id>


If a package with the same name already exists in the upload location, but it has different platforms assigned, you can use this option to replace the package specified by the <unit_id> along with the assigned platforms.

Note Before uploading a unit of type Windows Service Pack, Windows Hotfix or Windows Update Rollup, prior metadata needs to exist. This is done by importing the Microsoft metadata catalof file.