Use > Server Automation > SA Global Shell > Server filtering in the OGFS

Server filtering in the OGFS

As you navigate down the OGFS tree, the path grows longer and more specific as fewer servers are visible in the Server directory. In the OGFS, the /opsw directory contains subdirectories for several types of objects in the SA model space, such as Server, Group, Facility, OS, Application, Customer, and so on.

In the Global Shell interface, you can filter your view of these object types in the Server directory by specifying an axis (@) in the path. A path in the SA model space can be a list of filtering criteria that selects objects of a given type. This path begins with the desired object type, such as /Server, and each filtering criteria begins with an @, such as @Customer. An ending @ denotes the end of the filtering criteria.

This following figure is graphical representation of related objects (customers and facilities) in a hierarchical Server directory. The small boxes represent managed servers. Examples of ways that you can filter this directory immediately follow the diagram.

Filtering in the server directory

Based on the figure above, the following examples illustrate ways to narrow your search for servers:

  • To find all 16 servers, specify the following path:
    ls /opsw/Server/@
  • To find servers in the Atlanta facility, specify the following path:
    ls /opsw/Server/@Facility/Atlanta/@
  • To find servers that belong to customer Alpha, specify the following path:
    $ ls /opsw/Server/@Customer/Alpha/@
  • To find servers in the Atlanta facility that belong to customer Alpha, specify either of the following paths:
    ls /opsw/Server/@Facility/Atlanta/@Customer/Alpha/@
    ls /opsw/Server/@Customer/Alpha/@Facility/Atlanta/@

The following paths are filtered away by the OGFS, because they would yield a dead-end. There are no servers belonging to customer Gamma in the Atlanta facility.
ls /opsw/Server/@Facility/Atlanta/@Customer/Gamma/@
ls /opsw/Server/@Customer/Gamma/@Facility/Atlanta/@

This same filtering logic can be applied to @Realm, @Group, and @Application.