Full SA Core configuration parameter listing

The SA Installer provides an Expert level interview which displays and allows modifications of all SA Core configuration parameters, some of which are not displayed during the Simple or Advanced interviews. Modifying these parameters requires extensive knowledge of SA Core capabilities and configuration and applying incorrect values will cause unexpected results.

The following table lists all SA Core configuration parameters as seen when you perform an installation using the Expert level interview.

For a detailed description of these parameters their values and ranges, see SA Core parameter reference.

Full SA Core configuration parameter list


Default Value




This port must be open between the Agents in this facility and the Agent Gateway. Agents will contact the Agent Gateway on this port to request connections to core components


Provisioning Boot Server host

Specify the SA Provisioning Boot Server IP address or hostname.


Value of truth.oaPwd

Specify the password for the SA admin user.

The Installer automatically creates the admin user.

The first time you log in to the SA Client to access a new Facility, you must log in as the admin user.

Password Restrictions: This password cannot contain spaces.



Specify the port for the administrative interface of the core Gateway. The Gateway has a browser-based administrative interface that allows you to view configuration and monitor traffic.



Specify the port on which core components can contact this core Gateway to request tunneled connections.



Specify the port on which the core Gateway on the Slice Component bundle will listen for connections from other Gateways (only used if the Infrastructure component bundle is installed on the same box as the Slice Component bundle).



Please enter the hashing algorithm for SA cryptographic module.



Specify the key length [2048 or 4096] used for hashing algorithm of SA cryptographic module.



Specify the hostname/IP address of the Oracle database server.



Specify the path of the ORACLE_HOME directory of your Model Repository (truth) server.



Specify the port on which the database listens for incoming connections. This value is recorded in the tnsnames.ora file.



Specify the SID of the Oracle instance containing the Model Repository.


Value of truth.oaPwd

Specify the password for the cryptographic material.

This password must be the same across all cores in a Multimaster Mesh.

If you have an existing SA installation, this must be the password previously set for decrypting cryptographic material.

Password Restrictions: The password cannot contain spaces and it must be between 4 and 20 characters long.



Specify the user password used to connect to the HPE Live Network (HPELN). Specify "none" if HPELN is not being configured.

The value must follow the same rules as hpln_user_name, except the minimum characters accepted is 6.



Specify the IP address or hostname of the proxy used to connect to the HPE Live Network (HPELN). Specify "none" if HPELN is not being configured or no proxy is needed to connect to HPE Live Network.

The value must follow the following format:

<protocol>://<host> or <protocol>:


If no <port> value is provided, the default 3128 is used.



Specify the password for the HPELN proxy user. Specify "none" if HPELN is not being configured, no proxy is configured, or no password is required.

The invalid characters for this parameter follow the SA convention for usernames, such as no leading #, no quotes, no whitespace, and so on.



Specify the username for the HPELN proxy user. Specify "none" if HPELN is not being configured, no proxy is configured, or no username is required.

The invalid characters for this parameter follow the SA convention for usernames, such as no leading #, no quotes, no whitespace, and so on.



Specify the username used to connect to the HPE Live Network (HPELN). Specify "none" if HPELN is not being configured.

The value should adhere to HPELN's standard. A minimum of 5 characters and it cannot contain the special characters &, |, or *. Also, any of the invalid characters defined for the SA install also apply, such as leading #, quotes, and so on.



Specify the port on which Management Gateway in the First Core listens for connections from other Gateways (this value should match the value of the mgw_tunnel_listener_port parameter for the First Core (typically 2001).



Specify the path to the location on the Media Server where the Linux media shouldbe placed when SA Provisioning components are installed.

Note Providing the path to the Linux OS media does not actually copy the media to the Media Server.

See the "OS Provisioning" section in the SA 10.60 Administer section for the steps required to set up media on the Media Server.

This directory must exist on the Media Server host.



Specify the path to the location on the Media Server where the Oracle Sun Solaris OS media should be placed when SA Provisioning components are installed.

Note: Providing the path to the Solaris OS media does not actually copy the media to the Media Server

See the "OS Provisioning" section in the SA 10.60 Administer section for the steps required to set up media on the Media Server.

This directory must exist on the Media Server host.



Specify the path to the location on the Media Server where the Windows OS media should be placed when SA Provisioning components are installed.

The SA Provisioning feature exports Windows OS media to SMB clients through a Samba share.

Note Providing the path to the Windows OS media does not actually copy the media to the Media Server

See the "OS Provisioning" section in the SA 10.60 Administer section for the steps required to set up media on the Media Server.

This directory must exist on the Media Server host.



Specify the share name to use for the Windows media sharing server .

Note Share names that are longer than 8 characters may give errors while browsing or may not be accessible to some older clients.


Value of truth.oaPwd

Specify a password to write-protect the Windows media share. The import_media tool will prompt for this password each time it is run.



Specify the IP address of the Management Gateway.



Specify the port number through which Core Components can request tunneled connections to other components through the Management Gateway.



Specify the port on which the First and Subsequent Cores’ Management Gateways will listen for connections from other Core and Satellite gateways.


Value of word.store.host

Specify the IP address of the NFS server for the Global File System where audit streams will be stored.



the absolute path on the nfs server for the Opsware Global File System where the audit streams will be stored. This value should be different from ogfs.store.path and word.store.path


Value of word.store.host

Specify the IP address of the NFS server for the Opsware Global File System (user, home, and tmp directories).



Specify the absolute path on the NFS server for the Global File System (user, home, and tmp directories). This value should be different from ogfs.audit.path and word.store.path



Specify the directory in which the Global File System service will cache snapshots and audits for quick access. This directory can require a large amount of disk space (4Gb by default)


Value of truth.oaPwd

Enter database password for the AAA user.



Enter the authorization domain used by the Access and Authentication Directory.



Specify the short name of the facility in which the SA Installer is being run (no spaces).


Value of truth.dcNm

Specify the subdomain for the facility in which the SA Installer is being run (lowercase, no spaces). The value must be a valid domain name (for example, SUB.DOMAIN.COM) and is limited to 50 characters.


Value of truth.oaPwd

Specify the password to use for the DCML exchange tool (DET) user.


Value of truth.oaPwd

Specify database password for the gcadmin user.


Value of truth.oaPwd

Specify the database password for the lcrep user.



Specify the password for the opsware_admin user. This is the password used to connect to the Oracle database.

If you are installing Oracle with SA the opsware_admin user will be created with this password. Make sure the password complexity matches the security guidelines in your organization.


Value of truth.oaPwd

Specify the database password for the public views user.


truth.<value of truth.dcNm>

Specify the service name of the Model Repository instance in the facility where SA Installer is being run.

For Oracle, you can identify the service name by looking in the tnsnames.ora file on the Model Respository instance. Locate the appropriate TNS entry in this file for the Model Repository and note the value before the first "=" sign. For example, if the database name is "truth", the entry may look like "truth=(DESCRIPTION=(...))". The location and contents of this file can vary, check with your DBA if you are not sure where to look.



Specify the full path to the directory containing the source_db_charset.txt file.

When adding a facility to a multimaster mesh, the Model Respository (truth) data must be exported from the source facility, then copied to the destination facility. The destination directory path must be the same as the directory on the Model Repository (truth) server as the source directory path.


Value of truth.oaPwd

Specify the database password for the spin user.



Specify the path to the TNS admin directory (where the tnsnames.ora file resides)


Value of truth.oaPwd

Specify the database password for the truth user.


Value of truth.oaPwd

Specify the database password for the twist user.


Value of truth.oaPwd

Specify the database password for the vault user.



Specify the default UNIX Group ID to assign to SA users (number only, no less than 1024 and no greater than 90000000, with no leading zeros


Value of truth.oaPwd

Specify the password for the Integration user.



Specify the minimum ID to use when assigning UNIX User IDs to Opsware users (number only, no less than 1024 and no greater than 90000000, with no leading zeros).

UNIX UIDs are generated automatically for each SA user. UIDs are allocated counting up from the minimum specified in this parameter.



Specify the hostname or IP address of the NA (Network Automation) server (Enter "none" if NA is not installed).



Specify the path to the directory in which SA should install the Microsoft patching utilities or, if you have already manually downloaded the utilities, the path to the directory that contains the files. For a list of required files, press Ctrl-I at the prompt. Enter "none" if you do not wish to install the utilities.



Enable/disable mirroring of all Software Repository content in a Multimaster Mesh.


Software Repository Storage host

Specify the IP address of the NFS server for the Software Repository. For satellite installs, enter the IP address of the Software Repository Cache. Storage for the Software Repository will be mounted from the server specified in this parameter..



Specify the absolute path on the NFS server for the Software Repository.

Storage for the Software Repository will be mounted from this directory on the server specified by the word.store.host parameter. Ensure that this directory has sufficient free disk space. This value should be different from ogfs.store.path and ogfs.audit.path



Specify the mount point for the Software Repository root directory. For satellite installs, enter the root directory of the Software Repository Cache.

Package Repository contents will be mounted from the server and directory specified by word.store.host and word.store.path parameters, respectively.



Specify the directory where the Package Repository will temporarily place content during uploads.

crypto.certificateMode self-signed

Specify the type of certificate mode you want to use:

  • Self-signed: SA uses its own Certificate Authorities (CAs) to automatically sign all the SA Core components certificates.
  • Third-party: SA generate CSRs for the certificates it needs. Submit these CSRs to your chosen CA for signing, and provide SA with the resulting certificates to complete the SA Core installation.
crypto.certificateValidity 1

Specify the number of days for which a temporary self-signed SA Agent certificate is valid.

Change the current default value of one day to a more relevant period of time.