Use > Software management > Quick start to software management > Software policies > Software resources in a software policy

Software resources in a software policy

A policy can contain packages, RPM packages, patches, application configurations, scripts, and server objects. After you add the software resources to a software policy, you can specify the order in which you want them to be installed. When you attach a policy to a server and remediate the server, SA installs the software resources in the policy in the specified order.

A policy can be associated with either a single operating system family or multiple operating system families. When you add software resources to a software policy, the software resources must belong to the same operating system family as the software policy. For example, if you define the operating system for a policy as HP-UX, you can only add software resources applicable to versions of HP-UX to the software policy.

Similarly, if the operating system defined for a policy is Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003, the software resources that are applicable to Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 operating systems can be added to the software policy.

You have the option to associate OS Build Plans for added control over the manner in which a particular OS should be installed. For example, you can specify which OS Build Plan to use, the application and patch policies to include, and how these policies should be remediated either before or after the OS is installed.

A software policy can also include sub-policies. The sub-policies and the parent policy must belong to the same operating system family. When a policy contains sub-policies, all the software resources from the sub-policies are grouped together and then installed as a unit. See Embedded software subpolicies.

You can also create software policy templates which contain a set of independent policies that can be attached, installed, and modified as discrete policies. During remediation, SA does not consider the install order for the set of policies in the template. However, within each policy, the install order of the software resources is honored. See Software policy templates.