Administer > SA Core and component security > SA certificate management

SA certificate management

SA is a closed Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) system that uses X.509 v3 certificates to facilitate authentication, authorization and to secure network communications. An X.509 certificate is a form of identification that binds a specified principal with a public key.
A certificate, along its corresponding private key, constitute a digital identity. Like other forms of identification, a certificate is valid for a finite period of time. The validity period of an X.509 certificate is specified by the Not Before and Not After date. An X.509 certificate is valid only if the current date is within its validity period. SA does not accept invalid certificates.

SA 10.60 and later support the following certificate modes for its components:

  • Self-signed mode - SA generates its own root Certificate Authorities (CAs) which sign all SA certificates.
  • Third-party mode - your chosen external CA signs all SA certificates.

You can specify the certificate mode when installing the SA Core or during Core Recertification.