Develop > Application Configuration > CML reference > CML global option attributes

CML global option attributes

CML attributes define and control the semantics of a CML tag. This section defines the possible global attributes you can use in a CML template. Global options can only be used in instruction tags, and cannot be used as option attributes in other tag types.

The @!filename-key attribute



{key} has no default value.


filename-key identifies a path to the key in a value set that will contain the file name of the file being generated during a push.

The filename-key value is a pathname. It can be written as a relative path and does not need to begin with a slash (/).

The filename-key value must not end with a /. This requirement may be relaxed in later versions.

The @!filename-default attribute



{filename} has no default value.


filename-default identifies the default filename that will be returned if there is no filename in the Value Set. For example, the user may enter a filename in the Value-Set Editor, thus overriding the filename-default value.

The @!full-template and @!partial-template attributes




full-template is the default behavior.


full-template is the default behavior and indicates that all expected data in the file must be modeled in the template.

partial-template indicates that unmatched data in the file should be ignored and passed directly through to the output. This option only works with preserve-format.

The @!timeout attribute



{minutes} default value is 1.


timeout represents the number of minutes that should be added onto the Configurations total timeout. A valid timeout is any integer from 0-999 (inclusive). The time-outs of all the templates in a configuration get added together, and that number is added to the default timeout for configurations (10 minutes) to get the final timeout value for the entire configuration.

The @!unix-newlines and @!windows-newlines attributes



unix-newlines is the default behavior.


unix-newlines is the default behavior and indicates that the configuration file generated by this template will have unix-style newlines (ASCII Line Feed character).

windows-newlines indicates that the configuration file generated by this template will have windows-style newlines (ASCII Carriage Return + Line Feed combination).